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Genetic Engineers Have Successfully Bred a Wookiee!

The genetic engineering majors out at the University of California have achieved a landmark medical breakthrough. The team’s latest DNA-splicing project has managed to bring a previously fictional species to non-fictional life! The Wookiee from Star Wars is now completely real, made of flesh, and blood, and fuzzball. More hairy details after the jump!

It was Peter Scots, pictured above, who unlocked the proper DNA sequence to create a living, breathing Wookiee right here in the good ol’ US of A. Scots, who is currently pursuing his Master’s degree in Genetic Engineering at UC, simply spliced the genes of several dog breeds together with that of a grizzly bear, a walrus and a silver back gorilla.
We reached out to Scots for comment on his discovery and this is what he had to say.

It came to me one night in the shower after spending a full 24 hours in the lab. Thinking of all the possible creatures to mix to come up with the proper working DNA for a Wookiee. We spliced together; a Pyrenean Mastiff, an Irish Wolfhound, a Pomeranian, and last but not least a Dachshund! I know it seems impossible but it really worked! Taking those 4 dog breeds along with the grizzly bear, walrus, and silver back gorilla was sheer madness, according to my roommate and huge Star Wars fan Pat Taylor, who was in the shower with me at the time. I’m just glad that it worked!

When will we see the Wookiee in zoos and all breed shows you ask? Unfortunately not for several years. While geneticists have found the proper animals to splice together, it will take years for Wookiees to reach the numbers required to spread throughout the globe.

Stay tuned to Faking Star Wars for the latest developments regarding about the real life Wookiees!

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Sheevel Knievel

Stunts, Assassinations, Faking, Shaking, Nirvana, and Rum. Co-Founder of FakingStarWars.net. Formerly known as Darth Dwight.

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