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Top 10 Reasons John Boyega Refers to Daisy Ridley as “Peanut”

It’s no secret that John Boyega and Daisy Ridley have become quite fond of each other while filming Star Wars: The Force Awakens. But what many people don’t know that Boyega refers to his lovely costar as “Peanut.” Yes, you read that right, “Peanut.” And almost no one knows why… until now. FSW reached out to the leading internet nickname experts, who’ve shared five theories as to the origin of the nickname – and then we doubled their efforts! Read on as we crack the shell off this protein-packed mystery.

10. Her father is Planters Mr. Peanut and she is the heir to his nutty fortune.

09. Ridley is deathly allergic to nuts, and forced Disney to ensure a peanut-free environment throughout the production. Boyega, a big peanut guy, never let his co-star live it down, nicknaming her the very thing that could kill her.

08. It was revenge for dubbing John Boyega “Hazelnut” and Oscar Isaac “Butter Pecan’t”

07. Occasionally on the set of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Daisy Ridley, Oscar Isaac, and John Boyega would break out into a song-and-dance of “Peanut-Butter-Jelly-Time!” with Ridley being the peanut, Isaac the butter, and Boyega the jelly.

06. As a child, JJ Abrams was obsessed with former U.S. President Jimmy Carter. In fact, one of the director’s most prized possessions is a peanut-shaped piggy bank featuring the smiling Carter. Abrams brings the piggy bank to every set he’s working on, encouraging cast and crew to rub the peanut famer’s ceramic belly for good luck. Sadly, Daisy Ridley rubbed Jimmy Carter the wrong way, and the bank fell off a table and shattered into a thousand pieces. Ridley was mortified, but JJ was a good sport about the whole thing. Boyega was also in pieces… laughing hysterically at Ridley’s klutzy accident. He has called her Peanut ever since. 

05. P-Nutty (aka Puff Nutty aka Nutty) was Daisy Ridley’s rapper name throughout middle school.

04. Daisy Ridley and her twin sister Kika have matching tattoos of Charlie Brown and Snoopy on their lower backs. Upon glimpsing the ink for the first time, John Boyega exclaimed, “Wow you have Peanut on your back!” This resulted in a great big laugh, as everyone over the age of 40 knows the comic strip by Charles M. Schulz is actually titled Peanuts. Regardless, the nickname of “Peanut” stuck. Fun fact: Daisy and Kika have tried unsuccessfully to convince Boyega to get a Marmaduke tattoo on his calf.

03. Boyega enjoys poking fun of Ridley’s love of the American ska-pop band 311, specifically the stylings of bassist Aaron “P-Nut” Willis.

02. Oddly enough, Boyega’s heavy accent is often misheard as “Peanut” when in reality he is saying “Pay Nute” – an inside joke between him and Daisy Ridley involving a life debt to the Minister of the Trade Federation, Neimoidian Nute Gunray.

01. John Boyega accidentally received a copy of Daisy Ridley’s rider contract, and despite being fairly unknown, the young actress had ridiculous demands. In addition to 6 cans of Chef Boyardee ravioli, a case of baby wipes, an electric golf cart, bottomless bangers and mash, and a One Direction pinata filled with Cuban cigars and dark chocolate Cacique rum liqueurs, Ridley demanded 666 Peanut M&M’s. Not regular Peanut M&M’s mind you, since their oblong shape bugged her. Instead, Ridley demanded regular M&M’s be specially made with peanuts inside.

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