Sequel TrilogySpoilers, Leaks, and RumorsThe Force Awakens

SPECULATION: Dark Side Rey & More!


With The Force Awakens already upon us and Rogue One almost a year away, you’d think rampant Star Wars speculation would take a rest in early 2016. Not a chance! Fanboys and girls around the world continue to spread explosive rumors. While some are ridiculous, others are semi-plausible… from a certain point of view. Fortunately our cousins have waded through the scum and villainy-filled subreddits and 2chans, 4chans, and 8chans to bring you the very best fan theories. After the jump, feast your eyes on the juiciest pieces of post-The Force Awakens speculation making the rounds. SPOILER ALERT! MOVE, BALL, WE’VE GOT RUMOR MILLS TO SPIN!

Below are excerpts from the best pieces of Star Wars speculation setting the interwebs aflame like Lor San Tekka:

Han ignited the lightsaber himself to save his son the trouble, and help him. Remember when Han said he would do anything for his son? Also Kylo said thank you afterwards. This will be the “twist” in Episode VIII just like how Vader being Luke’s father was the one in Empire Strikes Back. No one will see it coming, and it will setup for Kylo’s return to the light while Rey goes to the dark.


Leia probably stole the falcon and hid Rey on Jakku because Luke murdered his students, not Kylo… When he came out of his madness he fled to keep everyone safe.


Rey is Lukes daughter.

Her flashbacks indicate she was one of his padawans, then he left her on Jakku when the Knights attacked. Jakku is not her homeland, just where she got dropped off.


Finn is Windu’s grandson. Remember that the Force awakens, according to Snoke, after Finn breaks his conditioning and before Rey finds her dad’s lightsaber. Finn is the true jedi and the hero of the next movie. Rey will turn into a Sith Lord after she turns on Luke for abandoning her and aligns with Kylo.


Rey is memory wiped dark side disciple, a la Revan in the Knights of the Old Republic video game, perhaps of some relation to the Emperor since it seemed Snoke had no knowledge of her and Luke and Han seemed overall to not have any particular special interest in her.


Rey is a product of the dark side. Her uncontrolled powers were responsible for the deaths of the other trainees – the big twist of VIII will be that she was the apprentice who “went wrong,” not Kylo Ren. Kylo and his Knights tried to kill her to stop her, but Luke protected her, so the Knights went rogue out of disillusionment. Luke lied to everyone else about what happened, pinning the blame on Kylo (this is why Kylo is so mad at Han for believing Luke over him) and placing Rey on Jakku – not to protect her, but to protect the galaxy from her. He wipes her memories to prevent another Force disaster from happening, but leaves the map with Lor San Tekka in case he is ever needed to stop her again.

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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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