Rogue One: A Star Wars StorySpin-off FilmsSpoilers, Leaks, and Rumors

Star Wars: Rogue One Casts a Very Tall Man


We have received an email from our source “Lebron” about a new cast member of Gareth Edwards’ Star Wars: Rogue One. See who it is after the jump! Jump higher… Higher!!! Nope you can’t match how high this guy can jump.

Like shared earlier today, a very tall man will be joining the cast of Rogue One, but it’s not an actor anyone suspected! Alongside Felicity Jones, Ben Mendelsohn, and, as we previously reported, Keanu Reeves, will be basketball star, Shaquille O’Neal!


Our source is saying that Shaq will NOT be portraying a Wookiee, but rather a Lasat, like that of Star Wars: Rebels’ Zeb Orrelios. It is said that O’Neal will be Felicity Jones’ character’s sidekick and will provide comedy relief.


We will update when we learn more.


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