Fandom and Nerd LifeGeorge LucasTop 10

Top 10 Things George Lucas Will Do Over Spring Break

Chillin' out, maxin', relaxin', all cool

Horny college kids aren’t the only ones with Spring Break plans. After the jump, see how everyone’s favorite bearded billionaire will be spending his break.

Place yet another restraining order on Jake Lloyd

Finish screenplays for a pair of Howard the Duck sequels to complete Fowl Mouth Trilogy, set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

both ducks

Purchase Cabo San Lucas and rename it Cabo San Jorge Lucas before vacationing there

Begin work on the special editions of his children’s birthing videos by adding angels, droids, and landspeeders to the background, while replacing the delivering doctor with Boba Fett

Dr. Fett

Pitch Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth to Steven Spielberg and Harrison Ford


Stage epic easter egg hunt out on his great lawn with authentic Fabergé eggs


Check status of Jar Jar Binks audio tour gungan headset design for The Lucas Museum of Narrative Art in Chicago


Complete his transition and become a bearded woman


Go base jumping with Harrison Ford


Binge-watch Lost while making ganja smoke monster in basement.


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