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Top 10 Signs Your Star Wars Trailer Description May Be Fake


Everyone and their Wookiee brother-in-arms has posted their own fake Star Wars: The Force Awakens trailer description. We here at Faking Star Wars are pros when it comes to sniffing out the fakes and distinguishing them from the real deal. After the jump we will show you the top 10 red flags to watch out for when reading a leaked trailer description!

The trailer opens with a “Rad Lobot” production company title card


Multiple scenes of C-3PO applying Ben Gay to Han Solo’s weary joints


The climactic shot involves a mysterious figure examining Darth Vader’s cod piece, which, shockingly, still contains cod remains


“From the visionary genius that brought you Strange Magic…”


Poe Dameron crashes his X-Wing on a desert planet which is described as having somewhere between 1 and 15 suns


Kylo Ren shouts “I am the knight who says Ni! Come fight me Ni-ow!” as he charges a hooded figure on a bridge


It has appeared on this site


A wampa claw holding a lightsaber with a handle made of tauntaun horn falls through space


Rey, Finn, and Poe share a triplekiss as a pink green alien looks on lovingly


We see the Empire’s new superweapon (based on Gungan Nerf technology) catapult oversized foam boulders at nearby planets




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"Faking" Jacen Solo

Co-founder of FakingStarWars.net.

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