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The Polls are Closed! Faking Star Wars’ Mascot Has a Name!

fsw mascot

The results are in folks! Our own mascot finally has a name of his own! After the jump see the official name of Faking Star Wars’ stick figure!

After a week of our fans voting we tallied over 1000 votes! The winning name was none other than Darth Plagiarist… but we didn’t like the name so we issued a recount in the states of Florida, Florin, and Puerto Rico.

Once our bean-counting interns finished rigging the election, Scandal style, we determined that the real winner of the poll was…

Goober! That’s right, Goober is the official name of the crossguard saber wielding stick figure seen at the top of our webpage and Twitter!

Thanks to everyone for voting and stay tuned to Faking Star Wars!

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Faking Star Wars Staff

In late 2014 and early 2015 two friends were trolling a popular message board posting false leaks and spoilers of the then in production Star Wars: The Force Awakens under many varying monikers. After coming forward about their trolling they took their fake stories and posted them to their own website, Faking Star Wars in March 2015. Those friends were "Faking" Jacen Solo and Sheevel Knievel. Today their comedic legacy continues as they venture into new real life adventures and pass the "Faking" baton into new capable hands. From false news to satiric "Top Tens" Faking Star Wars is the fan site for you! We are dedicated to creating Star Wars rumors that are 100% fake. We out-scoop other sites by creating the scoops ourselves. You know it's fake, we know it's fake, no one gets butt hurt. May the Faux be with you. We are in no way affiliated with Lucasfilm, Bad Robot, or The Walt Disney Company. All articles are for comedic/parody purposes only. Enjoy.

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