Fake NewsSequel TrilogyThe Force Awakens

JJ Abrams On Star Wars: The Force Awakens: “Nearly As Good As The Phantom Menace.”

JJ to fans “Jar Jar is the man!”

Director JJ Abrams has shocked fans with his latest comments regarding Star Wars: The Force Awakens. When Disney initially announced plans to continue the saga back in 2012, many fans were doubtful it could even come close to touching the legacy of the Star Wars prequel trilogy.  However, Abrams has shown that he holds himself to a different level. 

“For me, this project has been all about duplicating the sense of enchantment, character development, and intriguing story-telling that the prequel trilogy, and chiefly The Phantom Menace, brought us as Star Wars fans at the turn of the millennium.”

After the jump, more from Abrams regarding which unforgettable characters and settings from Episode I will be making the leap to Episode VII.

“We know the massive scale of this project.  All I can say is have no fear.  Midichlorians – check. Poop/Fart gags – check.  Gratuitous CGI vehicles in every frame – check.”

To that end, JJ Abrams has revealed one of the aspects of ‘Phantom’ that he specifically plans to pay homage to in the newest installment of the Star Wars universe. “Firstly, it wouldn’t be a new Star Wars movie without some kind of race-type sequence, like the classic podrace scene from The Phantom Menace,” said Abrams. 

This admission comes hot on the heels of new leaked images revealing what looks to be a fascinating Ben Hur-style racing sequence involving R2D2, BB-8, and C3PO. When asked to comment more on the plot stakes of the race, Abrams only chuckled, “Ha!  You’ll just have to watch the excitement as they race around!  It’s not a circular pod course, but this time a RECTANGULAR one!  This is gonna be so great!  Yippee!”  

Get ready for some seriously sick racing action with these two!
Responding to previous interviews in which he had indicated a desire to do a Star Warsfilm faithful to the original trilogy, Abrams said “Look, we were trying to keep the Mystery Box closed. But ever since those photos leaked of Jabba junior starting the droid relay race, we knew we had no choice but to explain our desire to get back to prequel roots for this new episode.  After watching a rough cut, I can promise that this film will be nearly as great as our beloved ‘Phantom Menace’. In the words of my favorite Gungan, weesah going home!”

Meesah crazy for new star wars movie, just like meesah movie!
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Storm Duper

Trained in a variety of galactic codes and languages, Storm Duper fancies himself the Resistance’s best chance to destroy the First Order’s vile hold on leaks and news regarding the new franchise of films. In self-imposed exile from his home on Jakku, Storm Duper has taken to going under cover on reconnaissance missions and reporting all the latest true fake news on the Faking Star Wars Radio podcast. Follow him on Twitter, @StormDuper.

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