Sequel TrilogySpoilers, Leaks, and RumorsThe Force Awakens

Star Wars: The Force Awakens Synopsis Leaks

My publisher’s warehouse working cousin just found several Star Wars books in a backroom. Hit the jump to read a synopsis of Star Wars: The Force Awakens from the novelization my cousin stumbled upon. Warning: this gives away EVERYTHING!

Act 1 
Poe is trying to incite a rebellion in Jakku against the First Order, who recently took over the system. A gang member sells him out and he is captured. The village he was trying to train is slaughtered like animals and when Finn doesn’t partake Kylo Ren, who is parading around saying he’s Luke Skywalker, butchers his close friend and has Finn detained. Rey is trying desperately to leave Jakku, she’s scavenging wrecks trying to find parts to restore the Millennium Falcon. Finn inadvertently uses the Force to break out and helps Poe escape. They steal a TIE fighter, but it’s shot down. Poe ejects before the crash, Finn is stuck in the TIE. Rey finds Finn and BB8 and the last parts she needs. Finn tells Rey he will pay her to take him off Jakku. Kylo Ren is informed Finn used the Force to escape. The Falcon finally starts up after Rey hits it. Captain Phasma leads a group of TIE fighters after the Falcon. The General tells Kylo Ren they can’t wait any longer and that “He” wants them to fire the weapon. Jakku’s star is destroyed as the Falcon jumps to lights from previous coordinates. 
The Falcon comes out of hyperspace at Yavin. Fighters escort the Falcon down where Han and Chewie board anxiously as both thought the Falcon lost forever. Rey is searched and a lightsaber is found in her possession. Rey and Finn are taken to Maz, a local Jedi, to be determined as either light or darkside. Maz senses the darkside in them, and ignites the lightsaber before saying in horror “it was his…” She uses the force to see how Rey found the lightsaber and determines it found her “for a terrible reason” and explains that only one person ever wielded it and didn’t use it to commit atrocities.
Alarms go off and Threepio alerts people a Star Destroyer has just come out of hyperspace. Poe leads an X Wing squadron against the TIE’s and Han asks Chewie if he’s up for another run. He then tells Rey and Finn they might as well make themselves useful. They fight off the squadron and the First Order appears to retreat. Later that night though, Rey is captured and the temple/base is destroyed. Han, Poe, Finn, Leia, Chewie, and Artoo all agree to rescue Rey and destroy the base, and hope to confront Luke and try to talk some sense into him (remember, we know it’s Kylo Ren, the characters do not.)
Act 3 
Ren questions Rey about who she is, who her parents are, etc… Rey doesn’t know. She even tells him she doesn’t have a last name. He tells her he can feel the force is strong with her, and that she need not fear it. He’s interrupted and told that Resistance fighters are approaching. There is a massive battle, but the base is more operational than originally believed. Han finds Kylo (who he believes to be Luke) and tries to talk to him. Kylo ends the conversation pretty quickly and has Han detained. Republic Forces show up led by Ackbar, officially making this skirmish the First battle of a new Civil War.
As the battle turns in the Resistance’s favor, now aided by the Republic, General Hux activates an EMP like weapon that knocks every ship out of the sky and makes an escape. Rey notices an X Wing still in the air with colors and markings she’d never seen. As she and Finn make a run for it, Kylo stops them. Finn tries to fight him and loses an arm. Rey holds her own, but Kylo uses the force to seize her throat and lift her in the air. Rey sees his thoughts in this moment. When he was young, his village was attacked, and his baby sister taken from him by a man with a robotic arm. Kylo is aware Rey can see his thoughts and says “Kira…” Kylo is knocked to his feet by a hooded man with a green lightsaber.
He engages him in a duel but is outmatched and flees. Han is freed but badly injured. Rey takes the Falcon away again to an isolated moon where Luke tries to talk to her, but she wants to be left alone. She insists. Finn gets a robotic arm and Luke tells him he will train him. The Republic is aware of the power of the First Order and will no longer take them lightly. Word that the real Luke Skywalker has returned is spreading throughout systems threatened by the First Order. Rey builds a lightsaber. Kylo Ren visits his master to face discipline for failing. Luke, a banged up Han, and Leia, look out of a bay at the Stars. The reunion is sweet, and victory is theirs this day, but war has returned to the galaxy far far away….END
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"Faking" Jacen Solo

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