Sequel TrilogySpoilers, Leaks, and RumorsThe Last Jedi

Benicio Del Toro’s Star Wars: Episode VIII Character Revealed!

Yesterday’s news of nerd-favorite Puerto Rican actor Benicio Del Toro being cast as an antagonist in the sequel to Star Wars: The Force Awakens has everyone in a state of awe and excitement! But the really juicy news of who he’s portraying has yet to be released… until now! After the jump, see what part Del Toro has collected.

As every self-respecting nerd knows, Del Toro had a recent role as Marvel Comics character “The Collector” in Guardians of the Galaxy and a brief cameo in Thor: The Dark World. However, if somehow you’ve been living under a rock for the past 2 years, let me fill you in on The Collector.

In both Guardians and Thor 2, The Collector was able to get his hands on some infinity stones as his collection is a safe keeping place in the Marvel Universe. Unknown to Lady Sif, Star-Lord, etc. The Collector is a universe-hopping psychopath who uses the Reality Stone, the Aether in Thor 2, to enter the Star Wars universe. That’s right, folks, Del Toro’s Star Wars character is indeed The Collector from the Marvel films!

Del Toro performed his own stunts as The Collector

 Now stop your whining! There will be no reference to the Marvel films in Star Wars and only we, the viewers of the film, will know of the tie between franchises. The Collector will go by a different name in Episode VIII but his clothing will be similar to what was seen in Guardians.

Del Toro in a rare candid

 To add to his extensive galactic haul, The Collector will obtain Anakin/Luke’s lightsaber, General Grievous’s mask, Jango Fett’s clone’s DNA, one of Princess Leia’s hair buns, and Captain Phasma’s cod piece.

His role as a minor antagonist will have him trying to steal the lightsaber which held a large key of the plot to The Force Awakens. The Collector will succeed in obtaining everything he sought to collect but not without a sacrifice as he will lose a hand, go figure.

Summer scarf/wallpaper combo courtesy of the FSW Etsy store

Well there you have it. Big thanks to Jacen’s room service working cousin who read the Episode VIII script when he brought Rian Johnson his scrambled eggs breakfast, while Johnson was in the shower.

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Sheevel Knievel

Stunts, Assassinations, Faking, Shaking, Nirvana, and Rum. Co-Founder of Formerly known as Darth Dwight.

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