Sequel TrilogySpoilers, Leaks, and RumorsThe Force Awakens

Rumor: Darth Vader was a Knight of Ren

This just in from my cousin who works the graveyard shift at a Blockbuster Video in Tacoma:

1. Supreme Leader Snoke isn’t the head of The First Order. He’s the head of the quickly-being-corrupted-again New Republic.
2. The Knights of Ren are an order that believes they are the living embodiment of the balance of the Force. They’ve been behind-the-scenes since the beginning of time making sure the struggle between Jedi and Sith never got too one sided. The Knights have decided to reveal themselves and hunt down and kill anyone in the galaxy with force ability not in their order.
3. Kylo Ren is the face of the First Order on behalf of the Knights of Ren. They’re convinced the only path to true unadulterated peace in the galaxy is the absolute eradication of force sensitives and blood lines that are potential force sensitives.
4. It is revealed that Vader was a Knight of Ren, and this is the true reason he turned on Palpatine. It was always in the cards for him to do so.
5. It will also be revealed that Luke was trained by one of these knights in between ESB and ROTJ and that is why he can not interfere with Kylo.
6. During the finale of Star Wars: Episode VIII, Rey puts on the remains of Vader’s helmet to protect herself from mental attacks from Snoke. (Similar to Sebastian Shaw’s helmet from X-Men: First Class protecting himself from mental attacks.)
7. Benicio Del Toro is playing the Knight of Ren who trained Luke in Episode VIII.
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