Fandom and Nerd LifeToys and Merchandise

Chinese Bootleggers Held False Force Friday to Fake Out Star Wars Fans

It appears that last Friday, a toy store in Beijing, China called 真正的收藏家玩具, which translates to “Real Collector Toys” in Galactic Basic, held a Force Friday event early for what they call, Orange Star Members. Jacen’s cousin, Wong Xing was able to sneak into the event, as he is only a White Star Member. After the jump, see the disturbing images he was able to capture of the “authentic” The Force Awakens toys he saw.

Cheap fake after cheap fake is what Wong found and quickly reported to us. Today may be Wednesday but the line at the nearest Western Union was crazy long so there was a delay in getting the message and sneaky Polaroid snapshots to us.

While there was no sign of any official Captain Phasma, Kylo Ren, Finn, or Rey figures there was a plethora of knockoffs that genuinely tricked hundreds of Chinese Star Wars fans.

Pictured above is a “rare” Czechoslovakian manufactured Blue Star, which is obviously a painted classic Snowtrooper. This really fooled Chinese Star Wars fans into believing that Kylo Ren’s real name is Blue Star. Obviously, all of us here in the United States and Kingdom, sorry Canada, know this is fake, because everyone knows Kylo’s real name is Jacen Solo!

Another cheap fake. The Chinese fell for this one thinking TFA has another Wookiee character called Raider who is identical to Chewie but wears capri pants and a cape! You can’t fake us fakers, China! This “fully joined” figure is definitely a dud.

This is the final image Wong was able to capture before his Polaroid camera was confiscated by store guards dressed as the Knights who say Ren. Warsiors huh? Yeah I have no comment on this one other than shame on you China. Shame on you.

Word has it that the owners of the establishment were able to rake in over $100,000 in US currency alone, no word on Monopoly money or Euros yet. The bootleggers have since flown the coop to somewhere without extradition according to Wong’s source who works for the Chinese government.

Stay tuned to FakingStarWars as we dive further into this fandom travesty.

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Sheevel Knievel

Stunts, Assassinations, Faking, Shaking, Nirvana, and Rum. Co-Founder of Formerly known as Darth Dwight.

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