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Cancelled Darth Maul Video Game Back In Development


A few reputable gaming and news sites are reporting that the trashed Darth Maul video game, which was cut in two and kicked down a bottomless pit, is being rebuilt with robotic spider legs, but it won’t be exactly what you think! After the jump see what details have yet to be revealed and how close Red Fly Studios is to making this game a reality.

The new title of the game is Battle of the Sith Lords and according to the game’s director, will focus on the early years of Darth Maul as he progresses in his Dark Side powers but also on other Sith Lords in the Star Wars time line.


The game begins with the player as a younger Sheev Palpatine, who was just voted in as senator of Naboo. Palpatine contemplates his next move and decides it’s time to end his Sith master’s life as he has learned everything he needs to know and as the Rule of Two states, he cannot take on an apprentice until he kills his master. Sheev meets with his master, Darth Plagueis in his mansion on Naboo. Plagueis walks into Sheev’s trap and they fight.


In the end, the player defeats Plagueis and Sidious contacts Mother Talzin who has a “special” young warrior who is strong with the Force, ready to serve him. Sheev goes to Dathomir and Talzin gives him a male Zabrak who is about 7 years old. Sheev senses fear, anger, and strong control of the Force in the young boy and calls him Darth Maul.

At this point in the game you will take control of Maul. The time frame will flash forward to Maul’s early teens. His body is now tattooed and he wields a single lightsaber; as the game progresses, you will upgrade his lightsaber to a double bladed one.

Act 1 will flow pretty quickly in time as Maul will age to a young adult and take place during The Phantom Menance. It will however show how Maul escaped Naboo and obtained the mechanical legs.


Act 2 will begin shortly after the Son of Dathomir comic line ends. Maul will be on the run and you will take on many bounty hunters, Imperials, and Jedi who avoided Order 66. Along the way we will be introduced to a new character based on Legends/Expanded Universe character, Darth Talon, still named Talon but no longer a Force user. She will be a love interest for Maul and one of his greatest allies. The second act will end with Maul founding his own Dark Side order and changing his name to Maul Ren, in honor of the long dead Sith Lord, Revan.


In Act 2.5 you will take control of Darth Revan as Maul studies the ancient Holocrons he stole from Sidious to learn more of the Sith history and what it takes to use both Light and Dark sides of the Force. You play as Revan for only a few levels before you flash ahead to just before The Force Awakens.

Act 3 begins with an aged Maul Ren instructing his young apprentice, Kylo Ren, who wears a mask similar to Revan’s. Kylo is obsessed with Vader but Maul scolds him for wanting to be like him as he knows Vader was redeemed before his death via the Force. Kylo is Maul’s top Knight out of his eight followers.


The player now controls Kylo as he enters the First Order and quickly ascends through their ranks, up to the point where The Force Awakens begins.

The game itself will he similar to the Batman: Arkham series or Assassin’s Creed as it will have a stealth combat system and you will traverse open world areas of various Star Wars planets.


There will also be a few multi-player modes, both online and local. Local will feature a co-op story mode where 2 players take control of Maul and his brother Savage Opress during The Clone Wars, as well as 2 player duel and 4 player deathmatch. Online will feature the same as above minus the co-op story.

In multi-player modes, players can choose from a plethora of Jedi and Sith characters from the prequel trilogy, The Clone Wars, Rebels, the original trilogy, the sequel trilogy, and ones introduced in comics and novels, including but not limited to; Count Dooku, Finn, Luke Skywalker (both Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens costumes), Kanan Jarrus, Ahsoka Tano (Rebels), Obi-Wan Kenobi (Revenge of the Sith), Emperor Palpatine, Asajj Ventress, Aayla Secura, The Inquisitor, Snoke, Qui-Gon Jinn, Darth Plagueis, and the list goes on and on.

We should probably mention, the duel and deathmatch modes are NON-CANON while the single player and co-op stories are.


It is being said that Battle of the Sith Lords should be ready for release no later than May 2017 to release with Star Wars Episode VIII and will be available for all major gaming systems. Stay tuned as we follow the development of this game!

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Link Voximilian

The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.

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