Sequel TrilogySpoilers, Leaks, and RumorsThe Force Awakens

Breaking! Snoke Has Been Hiding in Plain Sight


Legions of fans have been scouring the Internet of late for a clue about the appearance or backstory on Supreme Leader Snoke, the newest Big Bad in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Well, we don’t have a clue either… we’ve got them all! For the full reveal on Snoke, read on after the jump! 

Although recent news has shed some light on the backstories of Rey, Kylo Ren, and Maz Kanata, so far we’ve gotten nothing on Snoke. What will this character look like?  Andy Serkis purportedly plays a fully mo-capped character for this film. Lucasfilm even revealed this photo early in production of Serkis getting things done as only he can.

In a collossal switcheroo of galactic proportions, Faking Star Wars has come upon information that this photo IS NOT a pre-production photograph. It is actually a FINAL RENDERING of Snoke as he will appear in The Force Awakens.

The green luminescent dots on his face, easily mistaken for mo-cap tracer dots, are actually the result of a hideous genetic mutation that allows Snoke to flouresce his face effortlessly. Each dot is also capable of infecting nearby hosts, to create a supreme army of Snoke followers. Fans will receive a huge shock when Kylo removes his mask on reel three of the film to reveal the beginning of this Snoke infection setting in on his face as well.

Darth Plagueis and the staff he never owned will NOT be appearing in The Force Awakens or any other Star Wars film.

The design of this character has thrown everybody for a loop, but many in the Star Wars fan universe have really taken to it. John Campea, of the Collider Video Jedi Council told Faking Star Wars,

“Wow!  I couldn’t be any happier with this design. It’s a totally unbelievable design.  JJ loves to dangle things right in front of us and this design is no different. I’m so stoked.  Fantastic!”

The mechanized devices that sit in the background of this post-production shot are the frame of the throne that Snoke will sit on for much of the film.

Another post-production photo of Snoke.

Serkis himself explained to Faking Star Wars,

“Snoke likes to take photos of all the victims that he infects. So he demands high-quality selfies of them together to chart the progress of the infectious dots. Basically think of this throne as a galactic sinister Snoke selfie stick.”

Most fans will be surprised by the “hidden in plain sight” strategy used by Lucasfilm with regard to the film. Needles (lol) to say, as big fans of Clive Barker’s Pinhead (who also carried a Mystery Box…. coincidence, JJ?) we’re pumped by this revelation.

For other examples of misdirection that play into Star Wars: The Force Awakens, check back soon for an update!

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Storm Duper

Trained in a variety of galactic codes and languages, Storm Duper fancies himself the Resistance’s best chance to destroy the First Order’s vile hold on leaks and news regarding the new franchise of films. In self-imposed exile from his home on Jakku, Storm Duper has taken to going under cover on reconnaissance missions and reporting all the latest true fake news on the Faking Star Wars Radio podcast. Follow him on Twitter, @StormDuper.

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