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Philosophie Magazine’s Star Wars Special Exposed!

auu1ItcAs avid readers and philosophizers, we were more than thrilled to receive the latest issue of Philosophie magazine — in German, no less. This month the editors have dedicated an entire issue to the philosophy of Star Wars! Join us as we dive off the deep end to bring you a summary of the juiciest articles — in English, of course.

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It’s common geek knowledge that George Lucas found inspiration in Joseph Campbell’s The Hero with a Thousand Faces. What’s not-so-commonly known is how far-reaching the influence was. Many people assume Campbell’s monomyth only applied to the Original Star Wars Trilogy. Poodoo!


The Prequel Trilogy is also chock-full of deep, Grad school level philosophizing. In fact, the latest issue of Philosophie magazine is dedicated to all 7 movies in the saga, including provocative articles about the philosophical climate of the galaxy during Star Wars: The Force Awakens. Let’s just say, things get heavier than a pack of Hutts celebrating all-you-can-eat-Klatooine-paddy-frog hour at Dex’s diner.

Let’s dive in already! Below are the titles and summaries of the features that made a huge impact on our laser brains.

darth-vader-mickey-mouse-i-am-your-father“I am your father”
Discover what makes the tragedy of the Skywalkers resonate with people of all ages, backgrounds, and midichlorian level.

newton-gifWhat is the Force?
Tao and Newton, the Vegas magicians, demonstrate how to shoot Chinese apples off a Youngling’s head. Or something.

tumblr_kx7028huko1qafdxeo1_500Was Heidegger a Sith-Lord – and is Heidecker one now?
An influential German philosopher may hold the key to understanding the Sith and maybe even the comedic stylings of Tim and Eric.

How to Understand a Wookiee?
Explore the beautiful minds of these giant furballs. Then see one posing nude like Burt Reynolds, with a strategically placed bandolier covering its nookiee nookiee.

Star Wars – The Myth of Our Time
Something, something, pretentious.

storm-troopers-on-motocross-bikesZen & The Art of Speeder Bike Maintenance
Join a veteran scout trooper as he travels across the galaxy with his son imparting valuable lessons along the way.

Screen Shot 2015-11-16 at 5.29.19 PMWhat The Gooberfish Can Teach Us About Jar Jar Binks And Life
Okey dae. Dis piece gonna be soooo qwazy. You gon learn all about dat dey Jar Jar and heeesa special meaning for all da Gungan people. Yousa even learning how yousa better person if yousa live your life likea Jar Jar!

Tell-me-about-your-Mother“Tell Me About Your Shmi” — Understanding the Force Through Freud
Anakin Skywalker wanted to kill the Force and be with his mother. Or so say the teachings of Sigmund Freud. See what Vader’s twisted journey can teach us about the Oedipus complexes in our own lives.

“Who Am I, Commander Cody?” Personal Identity in the Age of Clones
Self-worth is hard to come by when you’re one of millions of Clone Troopers. And the period following the Clone Wars is a testament to the loss of identity experienced by clones far and wide. What does their lack of identity tell us about ourselves?

The Ethics of Starkilling: Is it better to destroy a planet or an entire star system?
It’s Death Star vs. Starkiller as we compare superweapons and their underlying philosophies.

oFZmP6eOrphan Wack: The Role of Fate as Mother and Father
Learn how The Force controls the destinies of children — even those left on remote planets, hidden from the world.

That summarizes the first 20 pages or so of Philosophie magazine’s Star Wars issue. We hope you agree that it stands head and shoulders above last month’s featurette on Teen Titans Go. If you’d like to philosophize with us about anything Star Wars, you can find us on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.



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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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