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Theory: Darth Plagueis is Reborn as Snoke in The Force Awakens


Happy Thursday Star Warriors! Today we have a guest article from our buddy and super Redditor Ghost_in_the_cell, speculating the origin of Snoke and how he could potentially be Darth Plagueis, deceased master to Emperor Sheev Palpatine. After the jump, read Ghost’s theory on how this could play out in Star Wars: The Force Awakens. 7 days left!

Before diving into the theory headfirst, it will be helpful to ground ourselves in some Kaminoan History…

Attack of the Clones


We are first introduced to Kamino within Episode II. Here Obi-Wan lands on the watery planet only to find that he has been expected for quite some time. We then learn of the following events:

  1. Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had visions of a droid take over. So he attempted to convince the Jedi Council about the impending doom which may cause his removal from power.
  2. Acting on these fears, Dyas turned to Kamino and ordered a Clone Army.
  3. Dyas was later captured and executed by bounty hunters and his dealings with the clones was left in Palpatine and Dooku’s hands.
  4. From there, contact was lost with the planet as Kamino was seemingly wiped off the star map.
  5. Dooku was paying Jango Fett a considerable amount and likely never met Dyas.

There are a few things particularly interesting about this whole debacle:

  1. A Jedi Master is acting out of fear despite being a member of the Jedi Council. Obi-Wan is very aware of the Dark Side yet still acts on his fears, and attempts to instill fear in others.
  2. Kenobi then contacted Kamino regarding the clone army, still acting on his fears, and somehow the Sith found out about his operations (most likely through Jango Fett).
  3. When speaking with Obi-Wan, apparently the slender aliens were “so naive and loyal” that despite not getting funding they were still willing to make an army.
  4. There is some sort of income or reserve in order to pay Jango.
  5. Dooku has made contact with the Kaminoans in order to have them clone Jango.

Some other things we can assume:

  1. Kamino has a strong history of cloning. Apparently a good enough background to reliably mass produce bio-chips, resulting in life acceleration, less independence, and shorter lifespans.
  2. Kamino does not commonly mass produce clones. However the ones they do manufacture are apparently quite reliable.
  3. Kaminoans are very intelligent creatures.

Based off these facts what can we safely assume: the project was likely funded by someone. Our favorite wiki claims that Kamino’s project was then funded by Palpatine and Dooku – who are very much aware of Jango Fett’s History. The Kaminoans are in considerable control and take great pride over their clones. They are in direct contact with the Sith.

The Clone Wars


Here we start learning significantly more about the Kaminoans. Characters are over emphasized and far less subtlety is used.

  1. The Kaminoan representative was in favor of starting a war with the Separatists.
  2. Halle, the representative, was allied with the banking clan (mainly controlled by the Muun).
  3. In the Episode titled “Conspiracy,” it’s very apparent that the Kaminoans are aware of Order 66 and the on goings of the clones.

This basically shows that the leaders of Kamino are fully aware of what they are doing.

Non-Canon – Kamino and the Force


To add some fuel to the fire, we also discover that Kaminoans don’t want “happy little accidents” within their own species.

Kina is considered a failure by Kamino standards due to her force sensitivity. Does this mean they want to be in control over who is and who isn’t Force sensitive? Why was she being altered for Long Distance Hyperspace?

The Kaminoan’s disgust for Kina is perfectly evident and if they despise one of their own so much, what about other species? I’d like to point out some interesting things here – they are proud of the clones – which are dispensable, controllable beings – they are not proud of a Force sensitive mistake – who will likely outlive her peers as well as rebels against the Jedi Order for not staying true to the code.

This should put the Kaminoan species in perspective. They are control freaks and apparently Force sensitivity isn’t special in their eyes.

Some Non-Canon Plaguies History

Plagueis’s master, Darth Tenebrous: Art by Eli Hyder.

Darth Plagueis was obsessed with immortality, and was given considerable training on the matter by his master Darth Tenebrous. However, these lessons didn’t come out of nowhere, and though Darth Plagueis is best known for his incredible abilities, the science and understanding of genetic manipulation needed to be progressed through meditation and machination.

Darth Tenebrous himself was trying to take advantage of Midichlorians which could be controlled in spirit and infect new hosts as they pleased. Much of this knowledge however never left Tenebrous. So in order for Plagueis to understand genetic manipulation, he must have sought out experts in the own craft aside from his own master. This is where the Kaminoans come in.

Despite not being canon or Expanded Universe, the Kaminoans present a very interesting opportunity for Darth Plagueis. Palpatine, though cunning and predatory, was not interested in the living Force nearly as much as Plagueis. Sheev was far more interested in running the Galaxy which Plagueis was happy to leave to his apprentice. Plaguies was much more keen on the secrets of life, creation, and manipulation. Kaminoans were interested in the very same things.

Let me say that again – Tenebrous and Plagueis were interested in life, creation, and manipulation. Kaminoans were interested in life, creation, and manipulation. If neither of these Dark Lords ever attempted to meet them, they would have done themselves an extreme disservice.

How it Comes Together


  • Plagueis, after the study of his master likely comes to understand Midichlorians.
  • I’m confident Plagueis is quite familiar with the Kaminoans.
  • Plagueis instilled fear into Sifo-Dyas, causing him to consult them and provide an excuse for the creation of the army.
  • Plagueis likely had the Kaminoans prepare him new host bodies as well.
  • Plagueis dies, and Palpatine takes over.
  • Kaminoans don’t care because they are in it for themselves.
  • Palpatine prepares the Zillo Beast for cloning. Kaminoans likely happy to oblige.
  • Plagueis is given a new body by the Kaminoans under one condition:
    • Prepare for the destruction of races in order for a “perfect world” (aka Death Star and Starkiller).
  • Kaminoans put bio checks on Plagueis.
  • They give him a Kaminoan body (7ft, slim body, long head)
  • Plagueis works from the shadows to influence Palpatine’s visions and the building of the Death Star.
  • During Episodes IV, V, and VII Plagueis is reborn and changes his name to Snoke thanks to the help of the Kaminoans, though Kamino expects more from him.

I’m just seeing it work out like this:

Sith – Naturally follow their passion. Kamino – Are much more interested in the living Force. The Sith’s interest in mortality causes them to become pawns in the Kamino game. Kamino, pretending to be a Sith, teach the Sith a couple of neat tricks. They pay Kamino absurd amounts of money in order for the creation of the clones. They take the heat for being greedy evil terrible people. Kamino takes control and start doing mass genocide and repopulating with more “perfect” specimen.


So that’s it for this theory! Big shout out to Ghost_in_the_cell for writing this speculative piece! What do you think about it? Do you think it could work? Let us know in the comments below!

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Link Voximilian

The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.

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