Fake NewsSequel TrilogyThe Force Awakens

Disney Has Cast Backups for the Big 3 in Star Wars The Force Awakens


Say it ain’t so! Well it’s true, all of it! Disney has a contingency plan in place in the event Harrison Ford and friends die in a plane crash or hydraulic door accident. After the jump we will look into who they have cast to fill each role in case Ford, Hamill, and Fisher become one with the Force.

Jacen’s cousin, a dark-web regular, managed to hack into an email chain between Bob Iger and Kathleen Kennedy that detailed who would take what role should the original Star Wars actors perish. As it turns out, Russell Crowe, who was recently Harrison Ford’s “plus-one” to the Australian sneak-peek of The Force Awakens, is Disney’s backup for Han Solo. Missed what Crowe had to say about viewing the 9 minutes of film? See below.

Russell Tweet

The Aussie seems to be hinting at what may come to pass should Ford bite the dust. Given the 73-year old actor’s penchant for high-risk hobbies, including flying experimental planes and parachute-skiing-into-squirrel-suit-freefalling, we can see why Disney would tap Crowe as his replacement.


As for Mark Hamill, it appears Jeff Bridges has been hired as his emergency backup. Bridges certainly has the facial hair down, though his voice will be tough to swallow. Hamill’s Luke has the voice of a castrato, whereas Bridges sounds like an old drunk.


Which leads us to Leia. Carrie Fisher has had a long battle with substance abuse and continues to be a high functioning manic depressive. So the Mouse House has tapped none other than Caitlyn Jenner to be General Leia in the event Fisher goes on a bender and cannot continue with Episodes VIII and IX. Apparently Jenner was not interested, but director JJ Abrams made a passionate plea citing a need for transrepresentation in Star Wars to better reflect the world we live in. The former Olympian was touched by Abrams’ progressiveness and came onboard.


Can you imagine Russel Crowe, Jeff Bridges, and Caitlyn Jenner as our new  Big Three? It would certainly take some adjusting, but in the end, this radical backup plan may inject all-new energy and dimension to the roles. Jenner is the only question mark as she’s unproven as an actor. (Reality shows don’t count, sorry not sorry.)

That’s all Jacen’s cousin was privy to, but we have to imagine Disney has backups in mind for every important player in the Sequel Trilogy given how much is riding on the films. Who would you like to see be Poe, Finn, or Rey if one of the original actors suffers “exhaustion” or is sidelined by an accident or disease? Tell us in the comments!

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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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