Jacen’s cousin who is a 4chan regular, found this post detailing an outline for Star Wars: Episode VIII. After the jump see what he found and beware of SPOILERS.
This is most likely not true so take it with a massive grain of salt.
My uncle is an exec producer @ disney, and he’s read the script, he told me the entire plot of Ep 8 and even plans for the other movies at our christmas party
Title is still being discussed, Rian jokingly put forward ‘The Republic Strikes Back’, my uncle says they’re leaning more towards just calling it ‘The Knights of Ren’
Takes place a year after TFA
intro is a parallel between Kylo and Rey’s final training
Kylo and Rey have both been significantly trained, Luke is now aiding the resistance
Benecio del Toro’s character is voted in as the new chancellor of the republic and declares war on both the resistance and the first order, contradicting everything the new republic stood for, it’s still being debated on whether his character should be an alien or not
Both the resistance and first order are slowly getting f**ked up because of the republic’s sheer military might (the first order didn’t anticipate losing starkiller so soon)
Kylo’s newfound strength in the force gives him the ability to see force ghosts of both Anakin and Darth Vader, who play that sort of ‘angel vs devil on the shoulders’ to Kylo
Poe Dameron gets much more screen time thank god
Snoke is revealed to be plagueis by Luke
Snoke is really fucking powerful, more powerful than any other character in Star Wars thus far
Rey dies, Luke dies, Snoke kind of dies but not really, a few of the knights of ren die, the first order dies, Finn loses an arm and his face gets severely damaged (poor finn)
Snoke/plagieus has actually been looking for Rey, he intended to use her as his next vessel for his soul or w/e (like he was planning with Anakin) until Sheev f***ed him over
Luke must’ve been made aware of his existence somehow (my uncle didn’t tell about how) and stole Rey from him planning to train her as Jedi
Snoke is apparently a very vengeful character and used his abilities to turn Kylo to the dark side, snoke then sent the the knights of ren to Luke’s school killing all of the jedi he was planning to train, how rey escaped, my uncle never said, probably kylo doing something heroic
Snoke kills luke, Kylo kills rey, it’s very dark and i’m honestly really excited to see this, apparently his duel with snoke is very bizarre and trippy and they want to make this duel the stand out of the entire movie
Yes lets do the thing that kills everyone! Thanks for the idea Darth Bane!
anyway once Luke realises he can’t defeat snoke, he does this quote-on-quote “suicide bombing thing” as an act of desperation to try and take snoke down with him, he fails, not without seriously damaging snoke though
well apparently they’re going to surprise everyone and go with an episode 10 as the finale, there’ll be no more ‘saga’ movies after that though, disney is hoping to have their spin-off movies well established by then
rey and finn get ambushed by kylo and the knights of ren, finn has gotten much more stronger and proficient with the force (he’s force sensitive btw)
Rey duels with kylo except kylo is noticibly stronger, finn still has that ‘i’ll protect you thing going on with rey and he puts up a fight against the some of the knights (none of the knights are force sensitive) so i guess that’s why he can handle them, however kylo eventually bests rey and finn loses his s**t and tries to kill kylo and the rest of the knights by himself, he has this sort of burst of force energy that manages to take out even more of the knights, kylo angry decides to scar finn but leave him alive to suffer for betraying the first order well since
snoke is still alive and Kylo is becoming more and more emotionally unstable my uncle said right now they’re planning it so that he kills snoke and founds a whole nother area of the force, in this case ‘the grey’
Gugu Mbatha’Raw’nuruodo
Finn is more or less practicing with the force for the acts 1-2, he meets the new female character, they hint at a romance.
Rian wrote a scene where Luke helps him build a new saber before the big finale, once he loses and after he reawakens from his injuries we’d get this emotional scene of Finn angry at himself for being too weak
okay, get ready for this, There was actually an idea tossed around about Finn’s injuries after ep 8 needed some kind of computer implant for him to live and somehow in ep 9 would encounter a star warsy usb with sheev’s spirit inside and ep 9 would have them building this love/hate relationship
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The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.