Sequel TrilogySpoilers, Leaks, and RumorsThe Force Awakens

Boba Fett: A Member of the Knights of Ren?


Since the our first glimpse at the Knights of Ren there has been rampant speculation regarding the identity of the Knight on the far left. He bares a striking resemblance to the classic Star Wars character Boba Fett. While The Force Awakens didn’t provide much insight on the Knights, we have very good reason to believe Episode VIII will.


FakingStarWars has gotten a hold of a concept design for Boba Fett from one of our insiders at Lucasfilm. “Boba Ren” seems to have been through quite a bit since we last saw him. He’s sporting some cyborg prosthetic limbs throughout and looks even more rough and tumble than when we saw him take a nose dive into the almighty Sarlacc. We aren’t sure if this is the actual design that made it into the production, and the clip in the movie provides no clarification but it appears Boba did find his way to Knighthood one way or another.


Entertainment Weekly recently released a tentative schedule of the upcoming sequel trilogy and anthology films to be released, which included a Boba Fett film.  This film may serve as the bridge for Boba’s escape from his digestive doom and an eventual return on the the Knight side. Josh Trank was originally brought on to handle the Boba Fett project but was let go for unknown reasons. His recent Fantastic Four reboot failure makes it unlikely we will see him anywhere near a Star Wars project ever again. Whomever Disney decides to bring on, we can only hope they do one of the most undeveloped Star Wars characters justice.


-Comrade Out

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Comrade J Ren

Comrade is our visual simulator, originally hailing from Illum. Comrade now comfortably lives on the moon of Nar Shadda where he is a freelance graphic designer. Aside from designing this website's logos and banners, his notable credits include; The Mask VHS case, the menu for Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo Cantina, all the promotional materials for Elton John's tours since 2011, and the updated Google "logo." Besides using his artistic talents, Comrade is a collector of big knives, crossguard lightsabers, and vintage guitars.

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