While EA hardly touched anything related to The Force Awakens for its Star Wars: Battlefront game, Warner Bros. is doing the exact opposite. Lego The Force Awakens is set to reveal what happened 5 years before the film opens. Mind you, the game will be canon as the Lucasfilm Story Group has worked closely with the games developer Traveller’s Tales to craft the exclusive playable content. Read on to learn what you can expect and why the game definitely makes up for its source material lacking a certain bearded someone…
The Lego videogames are known for being pretty formulaic. Collect a bunch of things, unlock a seemingly endless list of w characters, mash buttons, and generally wreck havoc throughout whatever open world you’re in. Lego The Force Awakens is no different. You can expect a light-hearted take on the plot of the latest Star Wars movie from start to finish. But, to make up for the fact that it’s being released months after the film’s debut, Traveller’s Tales went the extra brick mile. The developers have created several new pieces of playable content to help bridge the events that happened between Return of the Jedi and The Force Awakens. Each of these levels will flesh out many characters ‘ backstories and help solve some of TFA’s biggest mysteries.
Chewie, Han, and Shara Bey (Poe Dameron’s mother).
An FSW source known as “Zack” went deep undercover at LegoLand to bring us details on the new pieces of playable canon that will be included in the game. Below is his report:
BB-8’s Gr8 Escape — we get to see where BB-8 was made. A huge research facity on Coruscant. And the fun part is how as soon as BB-8 comes off the production line, he is already being mischievous. You have to roll him down several levels of the facility to escape Professor E. Gad. I wasn’t sure why BB-8 wanted to leave his Maker but the level was fun. It played a lot like Marble Madness meets Super Monkey Ball.
Knights of Ren vs Luke’s Jedi Academy — this was sick! You get to play either Kylo or Luke in this level, and we see Skywalker’s Jedi Academy. The battle takes place in the open courtyard behind the school. If you play as Kylo, the other Knights of Ren follow you and help mop the floor with the other students before the boss fight against Luke, who’s a beast. I have beaten every Lego game on Expert and I still couldn’t beat Luke. He uses the Force to lift all of your Knights into the sky and they suddenly explode into a million droplets of rain. Luke uses a variation of Sith lightning but it’s green. I beat the level as Luke since Kylo is much easier to defeat. Also you see the moment when Kylo spares Rey.
Boba’s bounty hunter buddies are the Irving Boys apparently…
Boba Fett and The Irving Boys — There’s a really cool bounty hunter level that features Boba Fett dealing with the seedy gangsters from Jakku. We learn why Unkar Plutt was hiding the Millennium Falcon too. Boba is hired by the Irving Boys to take out Kanjiklub… but the Guavian Death gang is looking for Fett too, so it gets crazy. This level was every-man-for-himself. I’m pretty sure I killed everyone even the Irving Boys. Tasu Leech and his second-in-command are the bosses in this level.
Maz Kanata “Tapper” — This was a fun throwback level that played a lot like Root Beer Tapper… if you’ve ever made it to the later space bar levels you’ll know what I mean. It’s the exact same thing only you’re Maz serving up drinks to various space pirates. The best is when Chewbacca shows up, you get to toss hearts at him. Very cute! We also learn that Maz has a few Force powers of her own as she levitates drinks to patrons when you’re at risk of missing an order.
Poe’s Secret Mission — There was one level that lets you pilot Poe’s Black X-Wing. We see Leia briefing Poe about the whereabouts of Anakin’s lightsaber. He then sets off with Snap Wexley and Jessika Pava providing backup. The First Order finds out about the mission, and this leads to a space battle over Cloud City. We see Lando and Lobot too. They help fend off the evil forces and get the lightsaber to Poe.
Grand Theft Body (Snoke is Plagueis) — This one blew my mind. Who would think they’d reveal this megaton in a Lego game?!? This level starts with a cutscene showing Palpatine placing a pillow over your face… but you don’t die. Your Sith energy jumps into another body, and a timer appears and you get 5 minutes to make it to another Force sensitive body before you actually die. This was awesome. It played like Grand Theft Auto, but instead of car jacking, you’re body jacking as you try to get out of your lair. A map shows the midichlorian count of people near you. And you only get time extensions if you jump into a Force sensitive body. Oh, I forgot to mention, after Palps suffocates you, you get to see him use Sith lightning on your body to make sure it’s dead. I had a blast playing this.
Wow! If even a fraction of that is true, we’re in for a big treat. I can’t wait to play two player co-op for some more Finn Poe action. What are you most looking forward to in Lego The Force Awakens? Let us know in our new message board!
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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.