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Stephen Chou to Break Wire Work World Record with Episode VIII



Action and stunt work have always played a big part in the Star Wars movie universe but Episode VIII will be turning up the action like nothing we have seen before. Well known actor/martial artist/stuntman extraordinaire Stephen Chow has joined not only the production team but the cast as well. Hit the jump to read more about his exciting contribution.


Rian Johnson & Co. decided early on in the writing phase that Episode VIII would stand as the most action packed Star Wars film to date. Rian’s publicist told Jacen’s cousin who is a barista at a Starbucks in Dubrovnik, “Rian and Stephen used to frequent the same hair salon and became quite good friends. When Rian got the job he knew instantly he needed Stephen to be involved.”

A few leaks from the filming in Dubrovnik have hit the internet and Stephen’s influence can already be seen. Several different wire rigs have been seen on set and we received word that one was used by John Boyega’s double to do some type of somersaulting dismount from the strange creature he is riding in the scene.



Stephen has been spotted on set and in a few local restaurants throughout Dubrovnik. We had Jacen’s barista cousin awkwardly approach him while eating and he had this to say…

Cosmo (Jacen’s Barista cousin): Hi Stephen are you excited to be working on Star Wars?

Stephen: Not enough wire was brought.

Cosmo: Um excuse me?

Stephen: We need more wire setups. I’m trying to make these ****heads Jedi fly and they left wires at England.

Cosmo: Oh. Can you tell me anything about the movie?

Stephen: Do you have those warm moist towelettes?


We weren’t able to get much info out of Stephen about the film but we can say for sure a lot of wires will be involved, so much that we think it could beat the world record currently held by The Matrix. We mentioned earlier Stephen will also be part of the cast. He will be playing 3 of the Knights of Ren due to problems with some of the other stuntmen. Apparently they were having trouble adapting to the amount of wire rig stunts and were injured.



Stephen and the stunt crew headed back to Pinewood yesterday to begin choreography for the big lightsaber battle in Episode VIII. We haven’t received confirmation on which two characters are involved but Stephen posted this picture on his Instagram of he and his go-to stuntman Xao today. It will be interesting to see where Stephen’s contribution takes Episode VIII and we couldn’t be more excited.



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Comrade J Ren

Comrade is our visual simulator, originally hailing from Illum. Comrade now comfortably lives on the moon of Nar Shadda where he is a freelance graphic designer. Aside from designing this website's logos and banners, his notable credits include; The Mask VHS case, the menu for Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo Cantina, all the promotional materials for Elton John's tours since 2011, and the updated Google "logo." Besides using his artistic talents, Comrade is a collector of big knives, crossguard lightsabers, and vintage guitars.

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