Chewbacca PoetryFandom and Nerd LifeOriginal ContentSequel Trilogy

Chewbacca’s Poetry Hour

FakingStarWars has come into possession of a fascinating new piece of Disney Star Wars content.  It’s a “proof of concept” video for what will be a new feature on Disney Television – Chewbacca’s Poetry Hour.  After exhausting the TV, cinema, and comic book markets, Disney has decided to expand the genre-appeal of Star Wars by getting into the niche market of erudite poetry recitation.

Chewbacca Poetry Hour45
A screenshot from the “proof of concept” video for “Chewbacca’s Poetry Hour”

“The appeal of Chewbacca, as a literary bard, goes without saying”, said Bob Iger in an exclusive interview.  “His cadence, his inflection, his verbosity.  It all just makes sense to use his character as we get into the poetry industry”.

Chewbacca's poetry hour

Chewbacca’s first featured poem (which appears in the video below), is entitled “An Ode to Solo”, in which the Wookiee sarcastically derides his companion.  Jacen’s cousin and Shakespearean expert, analyzed the work, and says:

“It fits firmly in the genre of neo-gothic romantic verse.  We see the clever use of iambic pentameter, and the juxtaposed images of nature and humanity.  Make no mistake, Chewbacca is a true master of the poetry craft.”

In addition to a new television segment, Disney will release paperback and e-book reader versions of Chewie’s works. Plans are also in the works to release a parallel translation in both the original Wookiee Shyriiwook dialect and the English translation.

ode to solo
One of Chewbacca’s poems makes it clear who he thinks is the true hero of the Star Wars saga.

What’s more, Disney is a partnering with children’s textbook company Houghton Mifflin to add Chewbacca’s poems to their line of English literature texts.  CEO Linda Zecher said:

“We are thrilled to add the poems of Chewbacca to our literary instruction units.  Chewie has been a beloved hero for children for nearly 40 years.  His reputation as a wordsmith is well-known.  By making this addition to our texts, we are recognizing the contribution to culture and knowledge of one of the world’s foremost poetry masters.”

The show is slated to start this fall, along with several other “spin-off” shows.  Stay tuned to for all the leaks regarding these new programs!

Special thanks to one of our newest collaborators . for helping us out with one of our images for this story!  Follow him on twitter!  And we couldn’t fake without all of your support, so retweet and share our stories and content with your friends!

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Storm Duper

Trained in a variety of galactic codes and languages, Storm Duper fancies himself the Resistance’s best chance to destroy the First Order’s vile hold on leaks and news regarding the new franchise of films. In self-imposed exile from his home on Jakku, Storm Duper has taken to going under cover on reconnaissance missions and reporting all the latest true fake news on the Faking Star Wars Radio podcast. Follow him on Twitter, @StormDuper.

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