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Star Wars Cameo Competition Down to the Final Four!

BURBANK, CALIFORNIA — Hot on the heels of fan-favorite Stan Lee cameos in films from Marvel Studios comes word that Disney is planning to apply the same formula to the Star Wars franchise. Rather than comic book legend Lee, however, the entertainment behemoth is focus group testing a number of Star Wars personalities to fill the role. Whomever scores highest among the highly valued family and children’s demographics will cameo in all future Saga films and “Story” spinoffs.

After several rounds of testing, insiders claim a very heated four-horse race has broken out between George Lucas, J.J. Abrams, Jedi Mickey Mouse, and Internet sensation, “Chewbacca Mom.”

As the creator of Star Wars, the iconic Lucas would seem to be a natural choice akin to director Alfred Hitchcock. But “The Maker’s” refusal to screen test for the bit part in multiple films has opened the door for the competition.

According to #TeamAbrams, “J.J. has the glasses and the hair, man. He’s a real-life grown up Harry Potter Wizard Jedi. Anyone else would be a Force insensitive Muggle. No thanks.”

Meanwhile #TeamJediMickey claims the House of Mouse should rely on their timeless mascot to give the new Star Wars films an overt family-friendly seal of approval.

“We don’t see the Disney logo before new Star Wars films. It’s only right to have some of that magic come to life during the movies. It’s a shame Walt’s not around any more. He’d be perfect, but Mickey is basically his spirit animal, so there’s that.”

Most vocal of all though is #TeamChewbaccaMom, who is convinced it is high time for a regular fan to cameo in the Star Wars films. (We pointed out that Chewbacca Mom is NOT a normal fan given her newfound “CeWebrity” status, but were quickly shushed.)

“She is the face of modern day America. Web savvy, entrepreneurial, and never too serious to laugh at herself. Putting her in Star Wars movies will show the world that Disney gets moms-on-Facebook like no one else. Plus, her enthusiasm is infectious as all heck. I personally guarantee that seeing Chewie Mom’s head randomly in the corner of the screen will make people smile, if not laugh their socks off! That’s what Rogue One could use right now, to be honest.”

At this point, there’s no telling who will end up winning the coveted cameos. For all we know, Lucas may have a change of heart and re-enter the competition tomorrow. Only time – and testing – will tell. Expect to see the winner’s first cameos in Star Wars: Episode VIII and Han Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Who would you like to see in a recurring cameo throughout Star Wars films: George Lucas, J.J. Abrams, Jedi Mickey Mouse, or Chewbacca Mom? Let us know in our comments section or messageboards!

-William “Willybobo” Bobo

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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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