Rogue One: A Star Wars StorySpin-off FilmsSpoilers, Leaks, and Rumors

Exclusive: Rogue One Trailer Audio Leak Description!


With Star Wars Celebration Europe 2016 mere hours away, the leaks have finally begun, and we’ve got the mother of them all. A detailed description of the audio from the soon-to-be-released Rogue One: A Star Wars Story trailer. So sit back, relax, and prepare to see what you’ll be hearing during the highly anticipated three minute trailer. Heavy breathing intensifies…

The following is a message sent to us from a European correspondent calling himself JimErso. While we cannot verify the authenticity of this leak, we also cannot debunk it at the moment. So make of this what you will.


• Music sounds similar toReturn of the Jedi’s fight over the Sarlaac
• Sounds of droids chittering
• Sound of ship passing by
• Aliens speaking unknown language
• Some kind of beast growling followed by a helicopter-like sound
• Woman speaking with British accent, “I will not let this Rebellion crumble. Negotiations with the bounty hunters will not fail.”
• A man speaks in a deep voice, “If they do fall, there are not enough soldiers to fight the Empire.”
• Sounds of speeders rushing by at a high speed.
• A different man speaking, “Where did you learn to drive this thing?”
• A younger woman replies, “Right here, right now,” as more speeders rush by.
• The first woman says, “Jyn, do not do anything without consulting either myself or General Dodonna.”
• A man with a gravelly voice says, “You don’t need their guidance, Jyn. Trust yourself like on Onderon.”
• Sounds of blaster fire and weapons slashing.
• The first man speaks again, “She has exceptional skills but can we trust her?”
• Another man replies, “She is arrogant but will get the job done.”
• A ship speeds by.
• The same man says, “They have recruited the bounty hunter known as Boba Fett to try and stop us.” The sound is odd like he is speaking over a phone or communicator.
• Blaster fire and an explosion.
• A new man speaks, “We must stop them before they’re ready.”
• The first woman speaks, “Your allies are very impressive.”
• The young woman replies, “We do our job well.”
• Sounds of blaster fire and ships flying by. Could be a dog fight. Explosions followed by more ships flying.
• A new voice speaks, “This is a crisis! We need the Emperor to dispatch Vader immediately!”
• Music changes to Imperial March as Vader’s breathing is heard. “Yes master?” James Earl Jones voice echos.
• Emperor says, “Director Krennic requests your presence.”
• “They would be fools to try and steal the plans,” says Vader.
• Ships fly by again sounds as if they are landing as Vader’s breath return. Gun fire again.
• “You should join us Erso, like your father,” the voice shouting about the Emperor says.
• A droid’s beeps unlike BB-8 or R2, and machinery rumbles in the background.
• More gun fire, splashes and possibly walker legs.
• A beast growls as the gunfire continues.
• More of the walker sound.
• Explosions and a ship takes off.
• Vader’s breathing returns and he says, “It seems a Galactic Civil War has begun.”
• More gunfire, explosions, and then silence as the Throne Room music resonates on piano.


Sounds pretty legit, right? We thought so, too. Of course, only time will tell if JimErso is telling the truth or whether he’s simply trolling us for laughs. In any case, his description has us at a fever pitch to see the trailer. Only a few hours to go. Stay strong, Fakers!

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Link Voximilian

The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.

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