Rogue One: A Star Wars StorySpin-off Films

Our Exclusive Rogue One Theory Will Blow Your Mind

After a long overdo hiatus, we’re back with a vengeance. Cutting right to the chase: we have a Rogue One theory that’s going to flip your world upside down. Warning: turn back now if you don’t want the first Star Wars Story film spoiled for you.

Still here? Great, so are we. By now you’ve probably seen the new poster and trailer for Gareth Edward’s soon-to-be-released Star Wars film.

Close inspection of the poster reveals a most curious design detail: the texture of the Death Star bleeds into our protagonist’s skin. Does Jyn Erso need to see a dermatologist, or is there more to this seemingly small design detail?

We believe it’s a key to the major plot points of Rogue One. Dr. Galen Erso is a brilliant scientist. He loves his wife dearly, and the pair have dreamed of raising a family for several years. Unfortunately they simply cannot conceive naturally. So Galen dedicates himself to creating life. Not via midichlorians, you Lucas apologist, you! Our scientist creates life the old fashioned way: via AI.

The result of his labor — and it is a literal labor of love — is Jyn Erso. She is the most advanced humanoid ever created. Of course, this story doesnt have a happy ending per se. The Empire hears of Galen’s technological marvels, and orders him to design their superweapon. Going against everything he believes in, Galen goes to work. It was the only way to save his family. Jyn, being a highly sophisticated AI, expresses her feeling to her father about his work. They have a falling out. She begins to rebel, runs away, etc. Little does Jyn know, there are two savage secrets her Galen has kept from her:

  1. She is a humanoid, programmed to protect and serve her father at all costs
  2. She IS the Death Star plans — a small program that gives her life is the very thing necessary to power the Death Star

Mind blown yet? No? Tough crowd. Good thing there’s more.

Throughout the film, we’re led to believe Jyn has a Force connection with her father. In reality, it’s a clever misdirect explained late in the film. Jyn has a program inside her — think of it as a Lojack for Galen. She can sense where he is at all times. How does this all culminate into one of the more beautiful moments in any Star Wars film ever? Galen is reunited with his daughter during the finale of Act 3. He tells her the painful truth. Fighting back tears, Jyn tells him how she loves him, but is no longer acting out of pure AI. Galen and his wife have influenced Jyn’s programming with the most human thing in the world: love.

Jyn knows what she must do. She bids her father farewell, and surrenders to The Empire, but not before executing a fail safe program. Upon being jacked into the Death Star, Jyn’s AI creates an exploit in the planet killer’s design. It is all the hope our Rebels will need in the future. Imagine the thing you love more than anything is the thing needed to power a death-dealing structure of epic proportions. But love always finds a way. Much like the Force.

What do you think of our theory? Comment below. And remember, we love you despite what Pablo Hidalgo may have said.

–The FSW Staff

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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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