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Survey Reveals College Students Prefer Darth Plagueis to Trump


Following the mysterious death of Sith Lord Darth Plagueis, FSW spoke to college students about who they view more favorably: the Sith Lord or U.S. president-elect Donald Trump.

Several of the students interviewed at Imperial University in Vader, California, said it was a “tough question” and declined to name which leader they view more favorably. Others, however, said they prefer Plagueis to Trump.

“I mean, right now I don’t think Donald Trump is very good, and I know that Darth Plagueis has done some good things for the galaxy, so I’d say he’s proven himself, at least in the long term, to be more favorable,” one student said, pointing to the Muun’s health care reforms via midichlorian manipulation.

“I would say, like at this very moment, I have a better opinion of Darth Plagueis,” another said.

Local FSW correspondent, Paco Hildalgersen, interviews Imperial University students who preferred the Sith Lord.

One student asserted that if the policies of the Trump administration are anything like what he promised on the campaign trail, then “Darth Plagueis will absolutely have been a better leader to the Galactic Empire than Trump will be to the U.S.”

Would you prefer old Plagy over Trump as well? Share this article and let us know what you think in the comments.

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Link Voximilian

The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.

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