Sequel TrilogySpoilers, Leaks, and RumorsThe Last Jedi

New Details on Rose, Finn, and Snoke in The Last Jedi

A source close to the production of The Last Jedi has reached out to FakingStarWars to let us in on some details regarding series newcomer Rose Tico and her ties with Finn as well as the Supreme Leader of the First Order, Snoke. After the jump, see what the leaker going by the name”Byron Skywalker” had to share with us.

Some of the details in Byron’s leak are a bit out there but he did send this info to FakingStarWars, so we are rolling with it. Here’s what Byron sent us:

When Finn tries to quit the Resistance, they offer him 4.6 mil credits a year contract with a signing bonus. Rose admires Finn so she convinces him to take the contract and stay on the Resistance. He reluctantly agrees but refuses to stand during the New Republic Anthem.

The movie’s main twist is that Rose is the traitor and the marketing department will try to deflect this by alluding to it being DJ. It’s revealed that Rose is from Crait. The planet was devastated during the war between the Empire and Rebellion when it was an Rebel outpost. When the Resistance moves there after their base on D’Qar is compromised, Rose volunteers to accompany Finn and his new BB unit called BB-10P on a mission to retrieve the mysterious DJ from Canto Bite. The new BB unit is said to have been built using the parts of CHOPPER from Rebels and maintains his personality.

Their mission on Canto Bite pits them against a bearded hookah smoking Hutt who sells them out to the First Order. They end up captured by Snoke, but Rose accepts a deal offered by him in exchange for betraying Rey, who had come to rescue them. Rose regrets her decision when Snoke orders Crait’s destruction nevertheless and dies trying to make amends. Snoke cries a single tear of blood when Rose dies, revealing he is actually her father.

Rose’s death, in many ways, galvanizes Finn to the ideals of the Resistance, seeing as he’s still hellbent on ditching the conflict once he’s delivered DJ to the Resistance. By the end, it’s clear Finn and Poe have grown into the informal leaders of the Resistance.

Snoke’s throne is too big for him and his feet don’t touch the ground while sitting. He dons a cylindrical helmet to battle Rey and Luke with his Praetorian Guards near the end of the film. The Praetorian Guards are actually Boba Fett clones (not Jango) that Snoke found on ice, they are extremely mediocre fighters and don’t talk much.

And that’s all that Byron send us. So what do you think this? Fake? Real? Probably. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

As always, keep it locked to for all the Star Wars news worth faking. Don’t forget to follow us on TwitterInstagram and Facebook for even more unbelievable news from a galaxy far, far away.

–Link “Voxx” Voximillian

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Link Voximilian

The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.

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