Fake NewsSolo: A Star Wars StorySpin-off Films

New Solo Reshoots To Reshoot The Reshoots Of The Reshoots

In what must seem like Groundhog Day for the cast and crew of Solo: A Star Wars Story, the production is once again heading to reshoots. This marks the second bout of reshoots since director Ron Howard reshot nearly 80% of what the team of Christopher Miller and Philip Lord had shot before being bounced from the project. After the first reshoots, Howard realized he really should have reshot the outstanding 20%. Once that was complete, however, the perfectionist felt another 40% of his own reshoots could use some reshooting.

“I was so focused on fixing Lord and Miller’s mess, I didn’t realize I was making quite a mess myself,” said the director from his home in the Hollywood Hills. Fortunately, the cast and crew are taking things in good stride, all things considered.

Waller-Price remains upbeat on Solo

“Ron is making something amazing. It’s like A Beautiful Mind, but with a lovable moron. And it takes time to strike the right tone,” said Phoebe Waller-Price, who plays an annoying droid described as a gender-swapped C-3PO. The man himself, young Han Solo actor Alden Ehrenreich also has a positive outlook regarding the latest hiccups in a production that’s faced challenge after challenge. “I’m just glad these reshoots have nothing to do with my acting skills. Tired of hearing that junk. Ron can tell you I’ve been nailing every scene with my acting coach.”

Ehrenreich and his acting coach (in camouflage) nail another scene

When pressed to clarify, Ehrenreich told us Howard took an unorthodox approach to filming his scenes. Apparently, every scene featuring young Han Solo features his acting coach in frame providing real-time assistance. Ehrenreich reassured us that Howard will be digitally removing his coach in post-production, so he’ll still be eligible for awards.

“I don’t know if old Han Solo ever won an MTV Movie Award, but I’m soooolo taking home a gold popcorn bucket next year.”

We reached out to Donald Glover for his thoughts on the latest reshoots, but he referred us to “Space Ventura” for a soundbyte. Having already spoken to Ehrenreich, we contacted Woody Harrelson instead. Rather than provide us with his take on the state of the production, he also referred us to “the idiot or his idiot coach.”

Dramatic recreation of Howard’s reshoot formula

Howard has a positive outlook despite some obvious tension among the cast members. “There’s a 40% chance we’ll need to reshoot like 15% of this at some point but there’s also a 60% chance we’ll only need to reshoot 50% of that divided by two to the seventh power. So yeah, I think we’re sorta done for the time being. Good thing, too, because I can’t wait to get back to posting silly stuff on Twitter. Rian Johnson can’t have all the fun! Leave some tweets for me, buddy.”

Solo: A Star Wars Story is set to debut on May 25, 2018. Godspeed, Ron.

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-William “Willybobo” Bobo


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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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