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Rian Johnson Develops Phobophobia Over Red Letter Media’s Review Of The Last Jedi

Fear may be the path to the Dark Side, but for Rian Johnson, it’s also the path to phobophobia. According to sources, the director was so fearful of Red Letter Media’s Mr. Plinkett review of The Last Jedi, he developed a fear of the fear itself. We’re told any mention of Red Letter Media, Mr. Plinkett or Half in the Bag will trigger Johnson’s phobophobia, resulting in sudden panic and hysterical fear.

Rian Johnson Develops Phobophobia Over Red Letter Media’s Review Of The Last Jedi
Johnson’s fear of RLM dates back to September 2017

Our spies tell us the filmmaker’s close associates have been told to not mention anything connected to Red Letter Media or risk being ousted from the circle of trust. Ironically, this has made them almost as fearful as Johnson.

FSW spoke with Joe Rogan, comedian-podcaster and former host of Fear Factor, to gain insight into phobophobia.

“Fear is one of those things you have to face or it will eat your face off. Have you ever been to the Congo? There’s a group of pygmies there who drink cockroach milk before smoking dung beetle droppings mixed with powerful hallucinogens… it’s wild, man.

Jamie, pull up a clip. Check this out… WHOAAAAAA… Lookit that… wow… And they do this as a way to overcome their biggest fears. No phobophobia there, let me tell you. So I think Rian Johnson just needs to man up, maybe smoke some weed, and watch the Red Letter Media Plinkett Review. It’s the only way.”

Rogan believes Johnson should face his fears

Hopefully, Johnson finds the courage to overcome his fears lest they negatively impact the production of his new Star Wars trilogy.

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-William “Willybobo” Bobo

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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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