Sequel TrilogySpoilers, Leaks, and RumorsThe Rise of Skywalker

Attire Descriptions for Episode IX Characters Have Leaked!

Attire Descriptions for Episode IX Characters Has Leaked!

The ghost of Sithmas future has arrived from 2019 with details regarding Episode IX! We have obtained a full description of every main and supporting character in Episode IX. Possible spoilers ahead!

This leak comes to us from “Darth Zeroh” who works with product design within Lucasfilm. Zhe does posters, merchandise boxes, branding, etc. Zeroh is offering up what characters look like for promo images.

Of course, this could be fake so take it with a grain of Crait salt.


Kylo Ren is seen in most images without his helmet, but his helmet is making a return in a way. There are a special troop of red and black stormtroopers whose helmets are his mask from TFA.

Ren has dark side eyes like Anakin in Revenge of the Sith. He looks more evil in all these pictures than he ever has. I think the people afraid he won’t make a good villain are in for a surprise. His costume is very regal, and contains silver trimmings, and his hair is straight back out of his face. He looks far more mature and imposing. No facial hair.

Rey’s lightsaber is the same one, but it’s been repaired and modified. It is now like Kylo’s, unstable and like a claymore. My description probably doesn’t do it justice but it is freakin awesome and for some reason really drives home to me that she’s a Jedi Knight. Her costume is kick ass too, very knightly if I had to use a word to describe it. I’ve also seen her hair in several different styles, all different than what she’s worn before. Looks more Game of Thrones than Star Wars, but in a good way. She looks seriously badass.

Finn is rocking a vest in most promo material and a big ass rifle. He’s also got detonators and things hanging off his belt. Poe looks like he was plucked straight out of a Vietnam War film like Apocalypse Now. He’s even rocking a five o clock shadow. Dark green attire for him.

Rose looks super official. Think very much like what Dodana wears in Rogue One. It seems she holds a rank in this film. Leia is wearing the exact same getup from The Last Jedi, but it’s red. It was probably the best they could do to change up her appearance.

BB-8 is getting a new paint job and going green. Probably for camo. He’s also got this weird little… pet robot I guess you could say? The promo material has it peeking out from inside him. Artoo, Chewbacca, and Threepio all remain unchanged.

The Knights of Ren are [fauxing] scary and they are all women. Sort of like Kylo’s version of Charlie’s Angles but Amazon warriors.

Hux is still the same. Lando looks great, rocking that same mustache. He’s dressed in maroon with a white cape. He definitely is giving off smooth criminal vibes. There all all kinds of brand new aliens and misfit makeshift scum. They seem to be aligned with the rebellion.

The Star Wars logo on everything I’ve seen is silver. No actual title yet though. Black and silver is the major color theme of this movie like red and white was for The Last Jedi.

What do you guys think of this leak? Sounds more plausible than others we have received. Tune into the next episode of FSW Radio when Duper runs this leak through the Fake-O-Meter™ to determine if it’s real or not!

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— Link Voximilian

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Link Voximilian

The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.

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