Sequel TrilogySpoilers, Leaks, and RumorsThe Rise of Skywalker

Star Wars Meets Groundhog Day in This Episode IX Leak

Star Wars Meets Groundhog Day in This Episode IX Leak

As the days count down to the release of The Rise of Skywalker in December, more and more leaks find their way online via Reddit, 4chan, and FakingStarWars! Today we are happy to share a leak from our source “Grumpy Brogan.” Spoilers ahead!

Read on for a plot reveal that will make you want to start your day over to avoid this outcome.


>The plot twist of the Rise of the Skywalker will be a time travel/Groundhog Day scenario.

Sources say Sheev and Ben will share a passionate kiss.

>There will be a point in the movie where it is revealed that Sheev, Rey, and Ben Solo have repeated Episodes I-IX several times.

>This is alluded to in the Last Jedi when Rey has that trippy tunnel vision of echoes of her future and past selves.

>Whenever the final “confrontation” between Rey and Sheev occurs, Rey and Ben are forced to cause the Groundhog Day scenario to occur by disturbing some Sith magic artifact ceremony.

>The time loop always takes Sheev, Rey and Ben back years before the Phantom Menace.

>Sheev Rey, and Ben, being at the center of this loop, are the only characters that know of it.

>When time resets, Rey goes to Tatooine to fulfill her role as Shmi, Anakin’s mother, with Ben Solo as the father.

Ironically, Rey is also her own mother.

>Anakin’s status of Chosen One is due to his lineage of both Dark and Light side force users.

>In each loop, Ben always abandon’s Rey and Anakin to face Sheev himself and die.

>Rey resigns herself to her death on Tatooine, so that Anakin can fulfill his destiny.

>Anakin’s story arc is a necessary step in breaking the loop.

>Sheev’s easy manipulation of the Jedi Council and the Senate is due to his many repeated loops.

At one point Ben dons a Sheev mask to fool the people of Naboo including Padme, Captain Typo, and Sio Bibble.

>One issue Sheev always faces is that no matter how he corrupts Anakin, he always betrays him.

>Luke acts like an angsty teenager in the Last Jedi, because he is being confronted by his grandmother (Rey) to take charge and responsibility.

>The loop ends when Rey is able to stop Sheev from starting another loop during the time of Attack of the Clones with the help from Jar Jar Binks but Kylo sacrifices himself to save C-3PO because he is important to the plot in the present.

What do you think of this leak? Pretty fake right? Tune in on an upcoming episode of Faking Star Wars Radio for Storm Duper to run this leak through the Fake-O-Meter™ and find out!

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–Link “Vox” Voximilian

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Link Voximilian

The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.

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