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Star Wars Satire Under Review By Fact-Checking Site Snopes

Star Wars Satire Under Review By Fact-Checking Site Snopes

With all of the speculation, rumors, theories, and other falsities within the Star Wars community, it is growing increasingly difficult to keep track of what’s factual and what’s Bantha poodoo. One would think that an organization named FakingStarWars would be helping the situation by making it crystal-clear that their brand of news is obviously fake.


Not so, according to a disgruntled ex-fan who reported a false claim by the Star Wars satirists to renowned fact-checking site Snopes. As it turns out, the FakingStarWars squad has had quite the extensive, astonishing, relationship with the fact finders.

Initially, Snopes investigated the claim of falsehood by FakingStarWars.net and their podcast FSW Radio and concluded that, yes, what FSW had reported was true. But then the inquiry took on a new twist. As the angry ex-reader and ex-listener demanded a further investigation, Snopes discovered that ALL FakingStarWars content, every last word, is 100 percent factual. 

When asked about the findings, the hosts of FSW Radio had mixed, yet positive, reactions to Snopes analysis. IG-69 commented, “Wait, what’s a Snope? You mean the leader of the First Order?”

Storm Duper chimed in quickly, “Of course! The Supreme Leader wouldn’t let us publish fake rubbish. What kind of site do you think our Editor-in-Chief, William “Willybobo” Bobo runs here?”

Teeb Ront’r later added, “Well, of course it’s the truth. Even the stuff we make up. I don’t understand why anyone would think a site called ‘FakingStarWars‘ wouldn’t be legitimate.”

Eventually, Snopes dropped the investigation just like what happened to fellow satire site Babylon Bee but FSW’s head of creative content, Link Voximilian, still believes the site and podcast are in Snopes’ cross hairs.

“Faking Star Wars was under scrutiny before I started my tenure here and will be after I’m long gone. People online just don’t get that it’s parody because they are so serious when it comes to movies and comics about space wizards.”

–Link Voximilian, Head of Creative Content

As always, stay tuned to FakingStarWars.net for all the finest Star Wars comedy, parody, and satire in the galaxy. Don’t forget to follow us on TwitterInstagram and Facebook and subscribe to our Newsletter and Podcasts for even more unbelievable news from a galaxy far, far away. Also, consider supporting us on Patreon… for as little as a buck a month, you can help us fake harder, better, faster, stronger.

–Bobba Feet

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Bobba Feet

Lord Feet is also from Channel Star Wars. He contributes to FakingStarWars by writing fake ads for the podcast and editorials for the blog.

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