Fake News

Emperor Palpatine Back on His Feet After First Dose of COVID-19 Vaccine

Emperor Sheev Palpatince has praised the Galactic Health Services saying he wants to “give them all a Force hug” after receiving his first dose of the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine. Palpatine, aged 76, was the first humanoid in the Galaxy to get the shot and he’s already back at work within the Galactic Senate, vying to make it available to all beings in the Core Worlds.

Our fearless leader said, “When I come for my next dose I’m going to give them all a Force hug – is that allowed? I don’t know.” He added, Speaking of the vaccination, he said, “It is invasive of course, it looks like a tiny lightsaber, but it isn’t, it’s a friend!”

The Emperor also urged others to get the Covid-19 vaccine if they could. “I would encourage everybody to do the sensible thing, not just for themselves but for everybody else because if you’re virus-free that helps everybody else, doesn’t it? Please let our galactic healthcare professionals give you the vaccine and take a little blood to make sure it’s working! That blood won’t be used for anything else.”

Will you be getting Sheev’s vaccine? Will you let him take your blood to test for midi-chlorians? Let us know in the comments.

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Link Voximilian

The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.

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