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Lucasfilm Rebrands Fight Between Mace Windu and Palpatine As “Shocking Encounter”

As The High Republic continues to introduce more Jedi to Star Wars fans, Lucasfilm has begun to remove all negative connotations toward the Jedi from canon. The decision was made in an effort to help the publishing event resonate with even more fans.

The first announced change is the fight scene between Mace Windu and Sheev Palpatine in Revenge of the Sith. Going forward, the “attack” on Palpatine will be referred to as a “Shocking Encounter.”

The changes don’t stop there though. In order to ensure a peaceful view of the Jedi, Palpatine’s entire speech announcing the formation of the First Galactic Empire has been rewritten. The transcript of the new Special Edition version of Revenge Of The Sith shows the new speech as below:

“And the Jedi’s pouting has been foiled. The Remaining Jedi playing Hide And Go Seek will be found and given a time out! This shocking encounter has given me a bad complexion. But, I assure you, my inner beauty has never shined brighter.”

-Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, 19 BBY

We spoke with Jedi historian Dr. Taylor Aphra about this new retcon and she had this to say.

“Jedi were not ravenous, mindless monsters. Their shocking experience with our Lord and Savior Sheev Palpatine was simply an example of their predatory nature. We must, as beings of the Galaxy, learn to respect these beautiful creatures and use more caution when around them.”

-Dr. Taylor Aphra, Jedi Historian

And with that, Jedi apologists thundered with applause. So what do you think of this rebranding of “Jedi attacks” as “shocking encounters”? Let us know in the comments below or hit us up on Twitter.

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