Fake NewsLucasfilm

Lucasfilm Proposes Radical Change to Star Wars Terminology

In a stunning move that has sent shockwaves throughout the galaxy, Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy announced today that the iconic term “Jedi” from the Star Wars universe will be replaced with a more inclusive and socially conscious alternative: “JeDEI.”

The decision, according to Kennedy, is rooted in a desire to align the Force-sensitive warriors with modern values of diversity, equity, and inclusion. In an exclusive interview with the FakingStarWars, Kennedy explained her rationale:

“The Jedi Order has always been a symbol of hope and justice,” Kennedy said, “But let’s face it, their ranks were a bit monochromatic. We had blue lightsabers, green lightsabers, and occasionally a purple one, but where was the representation? Where were the Jedi of different backgrounds, genders, and species?”

Indeed, the original Jedi Order, despite its noble intentions, was predominantly composed of humans. Alien species were often relegated to minor roles, and Wookiees were mostly seen as glorified co-pilots. Kennedy aims to change that.

“JeDEI stands for Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion,” Kennedy continued. “It’s time we recognize that the Force flows through all beings, regardless of their origins. Our new JeDEI Knights will be trained not only in lightsaber combat but also in sensitivity training, cultural awareness, and intersectional identity studies.”

The proposed changes will impact the following:

Lightsaber Colors: JeDEI Knights will wield lightsabers in a wider spectrum of colors. Red, blue, and green are so passé. Get ready for magenta, chartreuse, and periwinkle lightsabers. 

Dress Code: Traditional Jedi robes will be replaced with gender-neutral attire. Think flowing tunics, asymmetrical hoods, and sensible space boots. 

Council Diversity: The Jedi Council will now include representatives from all corners of the galaxy within every Jedi rank, including Younglings, Padawans, Knights, and Masters. Expect to see a Twi’lek, a Mon Calamari, and a sentient porg padawan sitting alongside Yoda.

Force Sensitivity Training: JeDEI initiates will attend workshops on recognizing their own privilege and understanding the lived experiences of non-Force-sensitive beings. Their motto: “May the Force be with you, but also with everyone else.”

Temple Renaming: The Jedi Temple on Coruscant will be renamed the “Temple of Cosmic Harmony and Intersectional Enlightenment.” The cafeteria will serve gluten-free bantha burgers.

Reactions have been mixed. Some fans are embracing the change, while others are clinging to their old Jedi robes like they’re the last prints of the original Star Wars trilogy films.

“I just want to know if JeDEI Knights still get to do cool flips and fight Sith Lords,” said one concerned fan. “And can they still lift X-wings out of swamps?”

Kennedy assures everyone that JeDEI Knights will continue to perform daring feats, but with a heightened awareness of systemic oppression and a commitment to dismantling the Empire’s patriarchal structures.

As the galaxy awaits the official rebranding ceremony, we can’t help but wonder: Will the JeDEI Code still begin with *”There is no emotion, there is peace”*? Or will it now start with *”There is no microaggression, there is allyship”*?

“May the Force be with you, but also with everyone else.”

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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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