The Acolyte

The Tragedy of Darth Teeth the Wise

Once upon a time, in a galaxy not so far away, there existed a Sith Lord named Darth Teeth. His menacing black cloak billowed dramatically as he strode through the corridors of the Death Star Dental Clinic. It was a place where evil overlords and stormtroopers alike sought dental care between battles.

Darth Teeth was feared throughout the galaxy for his ruthless tactics and his penchant for extracting information from his enemies. But there was one thing that set him apart from other Sith Lords: he still had his wisdom teeth. Four of them, to be precise. And they were causing him no end of trouble.

“Why won’t these blasted molars just fall out?” he grumbled to his loyal dental hygienist, Dr. Plaquebane. Dr. Plaquebane was a Rodian with a penchant for flossing and a secret crush on Darth Teeth. She adjusted her face mask and peered into his mouth.

“Lord Teeth,” she said, “you really should have had those wisdom teeth removed eons ago. They’re causing all sorts of alignment issues with your bite.”

Darth Teeth scowled. “Alignment issues? I’m a Sith Lord! I don’t need proper dental alignment. I need to crush the Rebellion!”

“But your overbite—”

“Silence!” he thundered. “I’ll have you know that my overbite strikes fear into the hearts of Rebel scum. It’s my signature look!”

Dr. Plaquebane sighed. “Very well, Lord Teeth. But I recommend at least using a water pick to dislodge any leftover bits of Wookiee fur.”

Darth Teeth grunted and settled into the dentist’s chair. The lightsaber-shaped dental drill whirred to life, and Dr. Plaquebane began her work. As she scraped away plaque, she couldn’t help but ask, “Why do you cling to these wisdom teeth, my lord? They serve no purpose.”

Darth Teeth’s eyes gleamed red. “They hold ancient secrets,” he whispered. “Prophecies foretold that a Sith Lord with intact wisdom teeth would one day unlock the ultimate power—the ability to floss between dimensions.”

Dr. Plaquebane raised an eyebrow. “Floss between dimensions?”

“Yes!” he hissed. “Imagine it: I could slip into alternate realities, wreak havoc, and then return for my biannual checkup. No one would suspect a thing!”

“But surely—”

“—And that’s not all,” Darth Teeth interrupted. “These molars are my connection to the Force. When I chew gum, I can sense disturbances in the fabric of spacetime.”

Dr. Plaquebane blinked. “Chewing gum?”

“Yes! The mintier, the better. It’s like a Force radar. Plus, it freshens my breath.”

As she polished his teeth, Dr. Plaquebane couldn’t help but feel a mix of admiration and pity for the Sith Lord. Here he was, plotting galactic domination while worrying about cavities. Perhaps he just needed a friend—a confidante who understood the struggles of maintaining oral hygiene in a chaotic universe.

And so, as Darth Teeth left the clinic, clutching his wisdom teeth in a tiny velvet pouch, Dr. Plaquebane slipped him a note: “Meet me at the cantina. We’ll discuss your flossing technique and maybe—just maybe—find a way to floss between dimensions together.”

And thus began an unlikely alliance—one that would forever change the fate of the galaxy. As for Darth Teeth’s wisdom teeth? Well, they remained intact, a testament to his determination and stubbornness.

And so, dear reader, the next time you feel a twinge of pain in your molars, remember: even Sith Lords have dental woes. And sometimes, the key to ultimate power lies not in lightsabers, but in regular checkups and a good dental plan.

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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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