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Grand Admiral Thrawn Declares Another Blue Boy Summer

*Coruscant, Galactic Empire* — In a stunning press conference held aboard the Imperial Star Destroyer Chimaera, Grand Admiral Thrawn, renowned for his strategic brilliance and impeccable fashion sense, announced that this summer would be yet another “Blue Boy Summer” throughout the galaxy.

The term “Blue Boy Summer” has become synonymous with Thrawn’s distinctive style: crisp, cobalt-blue uniforms, meticulously tailored to accentuate his chiseled cheekbones and piercing red eyes. Thrawn’s fashion-forward approach has inspired countless admirers across the Empire, leading to a surge in demand for blue fabrics and a shortage of Imperial tailors.

As reporters scribbled notes on their datapads, Thrawn leaned into the microphone, his voice as smooth as a freshly laundered cape. “Ladies, gentlemen, and sentient beings of all species,” he began, “I am pleased to announce that this summer, we shall embrace elegance, efficiency, and—of course—exquisite shades of blue.”

The crowd erupted in applause, their enthusiasm echoing through the cavernous hangar bay. Thrawn raised an eyebrow, a subtle sign of approval. “Blue,” he continued, “is not merely a color. It is a statement—a declaration of sophistication, intellect, and unwavering loyalty to the Empire.”

The Grand Admiral then unveiled his summer collection, featuring:

1. **The Thrawn Tunic:** A form-fitting garment that combines the comfort of a beach cover-up with the gravitas of a military uniform. Available in navy, azure, and cerulean.

2. **The Moff Moccasin:** Stylish footwear designed for both planetary conquests and poolside lounging. Comes with built-in blaster holsters and a waterproof seal.

3. **The Chiss Fedora:** A wide-brimmed hat that shields against suns, sandstorms, and Rebel propaganda. Rumor has it that wearing it grants +10 tactical insight.

Thrawn’s fashion manifesto also included guidelines for accessorizing: “A well-placed insignia pin,” he advised, “can turn a mere ensign into a trendsetting lieutenant.” He then demonstrated how to tie a perfect half-Windsor knot using a length of Twi’lek silk.

Critics, however, questioned the practicality of Thrawn’s summer wardrobe. “What about desert planets?” asked one journalist. “Or aquatic missions?”

Thrawn’s response was swift: “Adaptability is key. For desert climates, switch to the Sandstorm Sarong—a lightweight fabric that doubles as a survival shelter. And for aquatic missions, consider the Mon Calamari Monokini. It’s both amphibious and alluring.”

As the press conference concluded, Thrawn left the stage, his cape billowing dramatically. Attendees scrambled to preorder the Blue Boy Summer Collection, while rival admirals grumbled about their own lackluster wardrobes.

And so, across the galaxy, citizens prepared for a summer of sartorial splendor. Whether attending a Hutt garden party or infiltrating a Rebel base, they knew one thing: When Grand Admiral Thrawn declared a trend, it was best to follow—or risk being caught in a fashion faux pas of Alderaanian proportions.

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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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