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Drew Struzan: The Force Awakens Actually Worst Star Wars Film

The ink hasn’t even dried on the headlines Drew Struzan made yesterday regarding Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but the artist is at it again. Only this time, he’s done a 180 on what he had previously said about the film. Read on for an exclusive interview with Struzan.

FSWWow, this is such an honor to be here with my favorite movie poster artist of all time! Your work has been an inspiration for fakers everywhere.

DREW: There’s nothing fake about my work.
FSWI beg to differ, sir. What I mean is… the paint is real, and so is the canvas, and certainly your passion. But the actual scenes are fake wouldn’t you say.

 DREW: Aah, okay. I got it now. I suppose so yes. I fabricate scenes in my head and create compositions featuring characters that don’t actually exist. That’s fair.
FSWHope you don’t mind, but I’m going to dispense with the pleasantries and jump right into the controversy.

DREW: Go for it, puss.

FSWRecently you were approached by JJ Abrams to do some artwork for the upcoming Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The poster you created was unveiled at the recent D23 convention, and was met with disappointment. How does that feel?

DREW: No skin off my back. To be honest, it makes me chuckle. The poster was literally created by a committee. The FordArtwork Group dictated much of what I painted. So… the fan outrage is well warranted… and I feel vindicated by it.

FSWI have to ask then. Did you purposely make Han Solo look like a geriatric caveman?

DREW: Let’s just say it’s probably not a bright move to insult the guy being paid to paint your likeness. I certainly took a few liberties. The photos they supplied me were ridiculous. Ford sent me pictures of himself from the 1970s. I’m a painter, not a f*%$ing magician. I did what I could with what I was given.
FSWWas your experience dealing with the Ford Artwork Group the most difficult commission you’ve ever worked on?

DREW: Oddly enough, it wasn’t. The worst was the prequel posters for George. You know, there’s a saying, nothing kills a bad product faster than good advertising… and I feel I’m a bit at fault for misleading audiences into thinking those movies were better than they were. Keep in mind, I had seen rough cuts of the film before painting the posters. So I was well aware of how crap they were… but George y’know… George can be a charming devil. He also has so much goddamn dirt on me, I couldn’t say no.

FSWWhat do you think would have happened if you refused George?

DREW: He’d release the photos and publicly ruin me.
FSWWhat photos?

DREW: This is not the question you’re asking me.

DREW: The droids are not looking for you. Hello?!
FSWOh, right, right. Moving right along… you claim JJ Abrams let you read the script of The Force Awakens.

DREW: Correctamundo!
FSWYou claim you also saw the first half of the movie, and that it’s probably the best Star Wars movie ever.

DREW: Yeah…No.
FSWWhat do you mean by “Yeah…No”?

DREW: I thought it may be the best one ever until last night.
FSWWhat happened last night?

DREW: JoJo was so thrilled by all the attention I generated on Tweeter, he sent me the second half of the rough cut to watch.
FSWThat’s amazing!

DREW: It’s terrible. How can anyone in their right minds ruin Act 3 like that?! No f&%king Luke Skywalker until the last minute. And when he finally shows up, you have him do THAT? THAT?!!?
FSWSo you no longer think it’s the best Star Wars ever?

DREW: Heavens to Betsy NO! I actually went as far as re-reading the script and subsequently now that I’ve seen the other half of it (THE FORCE AWAKENS) I can tell you and the fans this, honest to god, it is far and away probably going to be THE WORST Star Wars you’ve ever seen”

FSWDid you share your thoughts on the film with JJ?

DREW: We Skyped immediately after I finished watching the trainwreck. Lemme tell you, I gave him the business!! You have to understand, without George in the picture, I can’t be blackmailed any more.
FSWWhat about the poster?

DREW: I can’t take back the D23 mess, but the actual movie poster design I was working on… haha… it died in the fire of all fires.

FSWYou burned it?

DREW: Damn straight. Let JoJo watch too. Maybe next time he makes a decent film. Drew Struzan doesn’t paint for any old hack. I can’t lie to the public any more. I had been lying for George for over 30 years. But I’m free now. I’m free!
FSWDo you think you’ll work on the posters for any of the Star Wars spinoff projects?

DREW: Haha. One thing I never burn is bridges, so I’m certainly open to it if the particular movie doesn’t outright suck.
FSWThank you for your time.

DREW: Whatever, nerd.
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