Fake NewsSequel TrilogyThe Force Awakens

Two Things You May Have Missed From the Entertainment Weekly Photos

After days and days of hard work the visual picture experts of FakingStarWars have found some very interesting things within the photos released by Entertainment Weekly last week. As our experts continue to tirelessly analyze the rest of the photos, we have some ready to show you RIGHT NOW… well, after the jump.


1.Mysterious Mountainside Man

This picture has been dubbed the “Mysterious Mountain Man” by our experts because if you look closely enough you can see something or someone standing on that mountainside!! Don’t see it?

If you squint your eyes it looks a lot like the picture of Luke Skywalker that set the internet on fire this last week!! Now we all know that Luke is on Jakku because of the second teaser trailer but now it is pretty much set in stone based on this photo! In the trailer we saw what we thought was Luke saying goodbye to R2. But based on this picture I think it is that Luke saying hello to R2 because Poe brought him to Jakku. Here is the original picture from FSW for you to compare.

2. Party Animals?

Notice anything weird about this picture? Yeah neither did we but nothing gets by our experts here at FSW! You may have thought the craziest thing about this photo was C-3P0’s red arm but NOPE! The connection is obvious when you look closely recently the goddess herself, Carrie Fisher, posted the picture below on twitter.

Silly Carrie! She thought she could sneak this one by us but we found out! Believe it or not this is actually a zoomed in version of the shot of C3P0 and R2. Our experts have made a 100% match with the 2 pictures above! This can only mean one thing! After our heroes succeeded in taking down the Starkiller Base (“Spoiled by Domnhall Gleeson“ – JJ Abrams) there is a huge celebration party and Princess Leia happens to be participating in the futuristic internet trend of  photobombing! We have yet to figure out what role Carrie Fishers Dog (Named Gary after Rogue One writer Gary Whitta) has to play in TFA but it might be Wicket!!

Anyways tune into FakingStarWars everyday to see what other bombs Carrie Fisher is dropping!!!

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Comrade J Ren

Comrade is our visual simulator, originally hailing from Illum. Comrade now comfortably lives on the moon of Nar Shadda where he is a freelance graphic designer. Aside from designing this website's logos and banners, his notable credits include; The Mask VHS case, the menu for Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo Cantina, all the promotional materials for Elton John's tours since 2011, and the updated Google "logo." Besides using his artistic talents, Comrade is a collector of big knives, crossguard lightsabers, and vintage guitars.

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