Fake NewsGaming

EA Announces The Sims: Galaxy Far, Far, Away!

Earlier today, Jacen’s Korean computer hacker cousin intercepted an email from video game designer Will Wright to Disney CEO, Bob Iger. Wright is well known for creating the widely popular simulation game, The Sims and is now sealing the deal to create a Sims spinoff title focusing on the Star Wars galaxy. More details after the jump.

The information we were able to obtain regarding this game includes as follows.

Players can choose from multiple professions including and not limited to; moisture farmer, professional pod racer, Imperial/Rebel recruit, cantina manager, droid factory mechanic, junk shop dealer, criminal underworld gangster, bounty hunter, smuggler, politics/galactic ruler, etc. You will not be able to be a Jedi/Sith but you can learn Force and Lightsaber skills.

You can create Sims of a plethora of different Star Wars species including; humans, Gungans, Twi’leks, Wookiees, Duros, Dugs, Sullustians, Zabraks, Ithorians, Hutts, Toydarians, Rodians, and Lasats.

And finally you can choose a few different planets to build your home on including; Tatooine, Coruscant, Lothal, or Bespin/Cloud City.

The game is set to release on September 8th, 2015 and will run on the same game engine as The Sims 4.

We here at FakingStarWars are very excited about this game and we hope you are too!

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Sheevel Knievel

Stunts, Assassinations, Faking, Shaking, Nirvana, and Rum. Co-Founder of FakingStarWars.net. Formerly known as Darth Dwight.

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