Books and ComicsFake News

Exclusive: New Amalgam Comics Line Featuring Marvel/Star Wars Mash-Ups!

Hot off the press, Marvel has bought the full rights to use the Amalgam Comics publishing moniker from rival publisher DC Comics to bring us a new crossover of the Marvel and Star Wars universes! See what they have in store for us after the jump!

Back in 1996 Marvel and DC put out Amalgam Comics, a FAKE comic publisher who put out titles that fused Marvel and DC characters, locations, plot lines, etc into a new universe. They mashed up characters such as Wolverine and Bat-Man to create Dark Claw, Captain America and Super Man to create Super Soldier, and Iron Man and Hal Jordan/Green Lantern to create Iron Lantern.

Nearly 20 years later Marvel is set to mix things up once again — only this time their fan-favorite heroes will be fused with characters from the Star Wars universe. Faking Star Wars has been given an exclusive preview of the characters and backstories that will be created as a result of Marvel’s latest Secret Wars event. Here’s an in-depth look at this all-new non-canon universe.

Jango Howlett (Jango Fett/Boba Fett/Wolverine):
A mutant bounty hunter who has volunteered for the Republic’s Weapon X program to have Carbonite bound to his skeleton and then cloned to create a grand army for the Republic. He is later seemingly killed by Jedi Agent Mace Fury during the Battle of Geonosha at the beginning of the Infinity Wars. Due to Howlett’s uncanny healing factor, he was able to recover from his wounds and took up the name of Logan Fett to become the most feared bounty hunter in the galaxy.

Anthony Skywalker (Anakin Skywalker/Iron Man):
At a young age Anthony’s parents were killed and he was taken in by the Jedi Order. He was a brilliant inventor and created the Life Model Droid called C-3RVIS. At the end of the Infinity Wars, Anthony was left for dead by his friend, Obi-Wan Banner, after Anthony turnned his back on the Jedi in order to save his secret wife, Senator Pepper Amidala, from certain death. Luckily for him, Emperor Victor Von Palpatine was able to find and save him on the volcanic world of Mustafar. Anthony was forever changed into the Sith Lord, Iron Vader, by wearing a mechanical suit of his own design that keeps him alive.
Mace Fury (Mace Windu/Nick Fury):
One of the highest ranking agents of the Jedi Order, Mace was a veteran general of the Infinity Wars. Although he was an excellent marksman and lightsaber duelist, he was killed at the end of the wars by Emperor Victor Von Palpatine after he revealed himself to be the Sith Lord, Darth Doom. Mace and his Howling Commandos (made up of Jedi agents; Dum Dum Kolar, Gabe Fisto, and Saesee Morita) didn’t see it coming when Darth Doom unleashed the Force and killed the Commandos effortlessly.
Captain Correlia (Han Solo/Steve Rogers):
A simple Correlian freighter captain who found himself whisked into the Galactic Civil War, Han Solo was chosen by the Rebel forces to become the very first super soldier. While reluctant at first, Han joined up to win the affection of Princess Leia Romanoff and of course, the credits the Rebels were offering. Armed with his trusty blaster and new carbonite shield, the newly dubbed Captain Correlia led Rebel forces in many great battles such as the Battle of Endor. He was later frozen in carbonite for years but saved by Princess Leia.
Peter Skywalker (Luke Skywalker/Spider-Man):
Son of the famous Jedi agent, Anthony Skywalker, Peter was taken in by his Uncle Ben and Aunt May Lars after the deaths of his parents. While visiting Toche Station with his friend Biggs Osborn Peter was bitten by a Force sensitive spider that had been experimented on by the Empire. Peter was already strong with the Force and the spider bite just increased his power ten-fold. Following the tragic deaths of his aunt and uncle by the hand of the Empire, Peter knew he must use his power for good and went under the tutelage of former Jedi agent Obi-Wan Banner, now going by the name Bruce Kenobi and set off to join the Rebel forces.
Leia Romanoff (Leia Organa/Black Widow):
The adopted daughter of the king and queen of Ruseraan, Leia was unaware of the identity of her true father, the ruthless, Iron Vader. Rising quickly through the ranks of the Rebels she stole the secret plans for the Empire’s super weapon, the Death Star, which is powered by the 6 Infinity Gems. After teaming up with Peter Skywalker and Captain Corellia, she was able to assist in the Battle of Endor to bring an end to Emperor Victor Von Palpatine’s rule across the Galaxy.
Thorbacca Odinson (Chewbacca/Thor):
The crown prince of Asgard, Thorbacca was bannished after starting a war between the Frost Gungans of Jotunheim and the Wookiees of Asgard. Powerless, Thorbacca was captured by Imperial forces but saved by Han Solo. Thorbacca formed a lifedebt with Solo and became his closest friend. Years later after regaining his power, Thorbacca joined the Rebel forces to battle the Empire.
Lando Wilson (Lando Calrissian/Sam Wilson):
Lando Wilson was an old friend of Han Solo who won Lando’s prized ship, the Marvel Falcon, during a game of sabbac. Lando later became the baron administrator of Cloud City and purchased a set of mechanical wings as to impress the ladies with his flying skills. Lando later joined the Rebels to lead the airstrike on the Empire’s second Death Star during the Battle of Endor.
This information is set to be released at this year’s San Diego Comic Con International during the Star Wars Publishing 2015 Part 2 panel on July 10th in Room 7AB at 11:00 a.m. Be there for Stan Lee himself and artist/writer Rob Liefeld to unveil this project!
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Sheevel Knievel

Stunts, Assassinations, Faking, Shaking, Nirvana, and Rum. Co-Founder of Formerly known as Darth Dwight.

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