Fake NewsFandom and Nerd Life

Fans Plan Star Wars Themed Music Festival – Slave One Direction to Headline!


Riding off the fumes of this past weekend’s Coachella music festival, select nerds have organized another outing filled with bands, ecstasy, and what else… Star Wars. Music fans are putting together a Star Wars-themed music festival coming in May. Hit the jump for the full lineup of bands, artists, and dates.

It’s here Star Wars fans! No, not the episode of the greatest sci-fi film saga of all time. This announcement makes The Force Awakens look like a cheap aluminum swing set from service merchandise. FSW is proud to inform you of the first annual Star Wars music festival, Poechella! We aren’t sure where exactly the funding for this festival came from, but judging by the name it seems Oscar Issac may have reached into those deep pockets and pulled out this gem.


Bands will be performing May 1st through the 4th and include some of the most influential, eclectic names in space tune composery! Fettallica will open the festival accompanied by the LA Symphony Orchestra under the direction of none other than John Williams’ cousin Ron Williams!


The festival will end just as mind blowingly raucous as it began with a performance from the hottest group in the galaxy, Slave One Direction! Daniel Logan and the boys will surely lead the masses through a sonic journey of heart throbbing, bounty claiming ecstasy deep into the night.


If that isn’t enough to get your Force sensitivity tingling, Van Halen themselves will be ending the night with their new catalog of tunes writen for second Star Wars spin-off soundtrack! Playing along side Diamond Dave and his recently injured nose will be none other than TFA cast member Cyborg Luke! Half robot, Half Man, 100% shred machine.

Cyborg Luke

Our team will be in attendance to bring you updates on all the events taking place at Poechella 2015! We are still trying to get details on where exactly the festival is taking place. We are 100% sure it’s somewhere between Earth and The Outer Rim and has between 1-15 suns though so it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out.

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Sheevel Knievel – @DarthDwight

Comrade J. Red – @ComradeJRed

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Comrade J Ren

Comrade is our visual simulator, originally hailing from Illum. Comrade now comfortably lives on the moon of Nar Shadda where he is a freelance graphic designer. Aside from designing this website's logos and banners, his notable credits include; The Mask VHS case, the menu for Sammy Hagar's Cabo Wabo Cantina, all the promotional materials for Elton John's tours since 2011, and the updated Google "logo." Besides using his artistic talents, Comrade is a collector of big knives, crossguard lightsabers, and vintage guitars.

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