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Top 10 Celebrities With Names Straight Outta Star Wars


What’s in a name? A whole lot, Yakface! Check out the most Star Wars-y names in real life (well, Hollywood real life) after the jump.

Star Wars has given us some of the most bizarre names ever heard onscreen — from Shmi and Sheev (Hey, those two sound awfully similar!!) to Boba, Lando, and Han. Some names work better than others (Hi Jar Jar!) but they all score points for ambition. Hell, even Mr. Binks’ name made sense… from a certain point of view.

As often is the case though, life imitates art, and we’ve discovered several real-life, non-CG humanoids (for the most part) with genuine Star Wars-worthy names. JJ, take note.

 Top 10 Celebrities With Names Straight Outta Star Wars

  1. Idina Menzel


The Frozen songstress has a unique and oh-so-hard-to-pronounce-when-hammered name. Just ask John Travolta.




If C3P0 were a black man who was really into math, music production, and asymmetric hair styles, he’d be this guy.


  1. Hope Solo


Her parents must be very chill OT fans, or stoners.


  1. Keanu Reeves


A name pulled out of Star Wars, with all the acting range of a clone… Don’t be sad Keanu. We didn’t shoot your dog.


  1. These aliens



  1. Jensen Ackles


What sounds like a medical condition involving excessive water weight in cankles is actually the name of our current crush. Please put him in a future Star Wars or Spider-Man or the Disney Magical MultiVerse. Jackles for life!


  1. Charlize Theron


Badass name plus looks and acting chops. Sometimes life isn’t fair.


  1. Mads Mikkelson


Just try to say this guy’s name without feeling awesome. Then run as he’s probably right behind you. Watch him on Hannibal if you can, or the Pusher trilogy by Nicolas Refn Winding of Drive fame. He’s got face, as they say, and one you don’t easily forget. That name though… so, so good.


  1. Val Kilmer


From Mads to Mr. Madmartigan himself. Val Kilmer is another name we can see in Star Wars… as for the actor himself… maybe if we had a time machine.


  1. Barack Obama


Yes, that’s right. The leader of the free world has the most Star Wars-y name of the lot. The more we thought about it, the more we realized his entire campaign platform was basically “Use the Force” in different words.

“2 fighters against a star destroyer?” Yes we can.

“Try not… do or do not?” Yes we can.


Honourable Mentions:

  • Newt Gingrich
  • Sigourney Weaver
  • Famke Jannsen
  • 50 Cent
  • Jaden and Willow Smith
  • Gael Garcia Bernal
  • Leven Rambin
  • Saxon Sharbino
  • Every model with a dumb name ever
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