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Happy Birthday FakingStarWars.net!!


Wow! Incredible! It has been exactly 1 year since the very first FakingStarWars article, linked here. Although we have had our ups and downs, FakingStarWars has had a great first year and we want to thank all of our readers, followers, contributors, fakers, and fellow Star Wars fans. After the jump we get really sappy and spoiler-y… okay no spoilers but whatever.

We here at FakingStarWars have faced a great deal of haters on social media but we have also been welcomed with open arms by many Star Wars fans who share our sense of humor and passion for all things from a galaxy far, far away. So on our first birthday we wanted to express our gratitude to everyone who’s been supportive and instrumental in our growth over the last 12 months.


First off we want to thank the original founders/creators of FSW, Sheevel Knievel (aka DarthDwight) and “Faking” Jacen Solo and their mascot, Goober. The three of them created FSW after posting some fake leaks on a popular Star Wars message board and decided they wanted to launch a full-time operation dedicated to faking. Soon after, the duo of Sheevel and Jacen hooked up with current “head of visual stimulation & 5D experiences” Comrade J. Red who helped create unique images for the articles.

Along the way, FakingStarWars has picked up a few other contributors including Storm Duper, Lord Drivel, Wookieemonster, Sensei Bob, Monty Antilles, Waka Flocka Windu, and Garth Vader. While the rest did not stick it out with FSW due to other commitments, Duper is still an active member of the Faking family. Remember guys, once a faker, always a faker.


After a while, real life changes took place and the fauxing fathers had to pass on FSW to the worthy hands of William Bobo and Link Voximilian. Willy and Voximilian transformed FSW to a reputable Star Wars satire/parody fan site, earning a place on the official Star Wars website’s community list, (Thanks Matt!!) and created great original content ranging from “Top 10s” to “Ask Sheev.”

FSW brought on several more guest authors who all wrote an article or two including model Slippery_When_Fett, Swiftshooter of FilmGrouch.com, comedian Jango Fettywap, and podcaster The Millennium Falcone who has become a part-time contributor for the site. Another shout-out to our webmaster John who we will forever be graced by infinite pizza… (we can all dream right?) and our “insider sources” SpoilerDog, all of Jacen’s cousins who are still loyal to us without he still being here, and our office manager JJ Cat, who dumps our articles on Reddit, Tumblr, Pinterest, and Twitter.


FakingStarWars has also expanded into a fan forum within the past few months where fakers from all over the internet can come together and fake about all fandoms, yes we are not just limited to Star Wars, surprising right? We hope to see and fake with you all about all nerdy franchises!

We’d be remiss if we didn’t thank Viral Hide and the staff over at StarWarsNewsNet.com and Cantina forums as well as Jason Ward and his crew at MakingStarWars.net. Without their support, inspiration, and general awesomeness we wouldn’t be where we are today. The Star Wars fan community has evolved into a huge, odd family of nerfherders and moof milkers and we are glad to be a part of it.

May the Faux Be With You

Willybobo & Voxx

P.S. Thank you, Uncle George. We are going to party it up now in our Orlando office.


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Link Voximilian

The artist known as Link Voximilian leads the parody department of FSW as the Head of Creative Content. He is an avid fan of Star Wars, Marvel, and Nintendo, a skilled musician, and an aspiring sci-fi/fantasy author. Aside from writing for the site, Link also dabbles in graphic design using MS Paint to create low-effort t-shirt designs. He currently resides in a double-wide, in the middle of nowhere on Corellia, building Lego sculptures, repairing guitars, and collecting way too many dark helmets and masks.

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