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Research Suggests New Star Wars Films Give Girls Inferiority Complex

Research Suggests New Star Wars Films Give Girls Inferiority Complex

The Disney era of Star Wars may have been designed to empower girls around the world, but the mega corporation’s strategy appears to be backfiring. A recent study in the American Based Research Journal suggests a correlation between the rate of inferiority complexes in 12-year old girls and their exposure to Star Wars media, specifically materials related to The Force Awakens.

Scientists believe Lucasfilm’s heavy-handed approach of focusing on strong female characters may be creating feelings of inadequacies in tween-age girls across the U.S.

“It’s a rare side effect of the Mary Sue phenomenon, wherein fictionalized female role models are positioned as perfection incarnate, leaving young girls feeling like they could never reach the same unrealistic levels of perfection,” said TV personality and health blogger to the stars Dr. Nick DePeppa.

Research Suggests New Star Wars Films Give Girls Inferiority Complex
12-year old Alex Kelberg before and after watching The Force Awakens

According to concerned parents Kelly and Bobbi Kelberg of Missaconga, Florida,  Disney and Lucasfilm are squarely to blame.

“Our daughter used to dress up as Padme and command everyone at school. But now, thanks to Rey, Apple’s unsure of herself. She thinks she’s not pretty enough, not a quick enough learner, not mechanically inclined enough. I don’t know what to do other than to beg Kathleen Kennedy to shut the hell up already with the constant cries of strong female characters in Star Wars.”

Research Suggests New Star Wars Films Give Girls Inferiority Complex
Kathleen Kennedy has led the charge for new strong females in Star Wars like Rey and Jyn Erso

As luck would have it, Lucasfilm’s president has recently tripled down on her mission to pander to young girls. As recently as April of 2017 at Star Wars Celebration Orlando, Kennedy proudly declared that strong female characters are now at the forefront of the franchise after 40 years of being male-centric.

Amazingly, under her brief tenure, Star Wars has already had independent women in lead roles of two live action films and several comic book series. Kennedy is looking to further expand the female presence with a newly announced cartoon, videogame, and girl-specific action figure dolls. 

The Forces of Destiny line of dolls will be marketed towards strong girls

At the same time, more and more families are standing up against what appears to be virtue signaling by a conglomerate more interested in fattening their bottom line than actually creating fully fleshed out, three dimensional female characters with all the strengths and weaknesses we’ve come to expect in our heroes.

“Ahsoka inspired our daughters, because she was imperfect. But Rey is without flaw. She’s basically girl Jesus… that’s a hard act for girls to follow. I hope Lucasfilm backs off on the over-powered girl stuff, and makes them more interesting and relatable. It would go a long way in our home, where my girls have lost their competitive drive. They’ve gotten limp wristed because of Rey,” said Kelly “Susie” Wilkinson of Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Research Suggests New Star Wars Films Give Girls Inferiority Complex
11-year old Jen Wilkinson and her team exhibit signs of limp wrist

Hopefully Disney Lucasfilm doesn’t turn a deaf ear to science or concerned parents. Perhaps soon Kennedy will issue her stable of writers to dial back the unrealistic nature of their “super powered” female characters. Who knows? We may even get a dark Rey in The Last Jedi. That would certainly make her more interesting, but is Disney willing to trade her goody two-shoes holier-than-thou role model unappeal for better characterization? Only time will tell. 

As always, keep it locked to for all the Star Wars news worth faking.

-William “Willybobo” Bobo

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Hailing from the fictional planet of Yarvin IV, which is populated by bumblebee people, is Willybobo. As the Editor-in-chief of FSW, he strives to make the Star Wars fan community a better place for nerds and geeks everywhere. Willybobo was a very active member of the Cantina Star Wars fan forum so you may recognize him from there. He lives with an urn carrying the ashes of his former master, and spends all day asking the mighty Sheev for advice.

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