Fandom and Nerd Life

Fake NewsFandom and Nerd LifeSequel TrilogyThe Rise of Skywalker

Mark Hamill To Receive Blue Lightsaber Checkmark On Twitter

He may no longer have his father’s lightsaber in Disney’s sequel trilogy, but Luke Skywalker will be getting the iconic weapon back in social media, thanks to Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey. As part of its $100m marketing campaign for Star Wars: Episode IX, Disney is set to break new ground on the platform with the first-ever branded blue checkmark.

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Fandom and Nerd Life

Scott Mendelson Is A Gray Jedi & The Hero We Deserve

As the king of film news clickbait, Scott Mendelson has infuriated and delighted the internet throughout the Disney Star Wars era. His Forbes contributor pieces have no shame. Mendelson will write about the demise of Star Wars one day, then talk about how failure at the box office can actually be success in today’s global box office THE VERY NEXT DAY. He moves goal posts, spins things clockwise then counterclockwise, all the while flashing that Sith-eating grin we’ve come to love. So, what could possess a man to do this?

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Fake NewsFandom and Nerd Life

Pablo Hidalgo Accidentally Deletes Himself

Star Wars Twitter is in mourning following the bizarre chain of events that led to Lucasfilm Story Group’s Pablo Hidalgo deleting himself from existence. According to fourth-hand reports, the creative executive was celebrating his 19th year anniversary at Lucasfilm by spending time on Twitter with his wife. The couple was said to be in the middle of a tweet-and-delete party — Hidalgo is infamous for periodically deleting his tweets — when something went very wrong.

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