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Original ContentSolo: A Star Wars StorySpin-off FilmsTop 10

Top 10 Reasons Solo 2 Should Happen

Today is a very special day throughout Star Wars fandom, particularly for fans of scruffy-looking nerf herders. See, today marks the one year anniversary of the critically underrated Solo: A Star Wars Story. Fortunately, our pals at StarWarsNewsNet (shout out to John Hoey) have spearheaded a campaign to celebrate the merits of the Ron Howard film, using the hashtag #MakeSolo2Happen. If we make enough noise, with any luck, we’ll get to see Alden Ehrenreich, Donald Glover, Joonas Suotamo, and Emilia Clarke on the big screen again. DISNEY, YOU HAVE OUR MONEY ALREADY! That said, please enjoy the Top 10 Reasons Solo 2 Should Happen.

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Fake NewsOriginal ContentSequel TrilogyThe Last JediTop 10

Top 10 Signs Rian Johnson Has Already Been Fired From His Star Wars Trilogy

Earlier this week the Twitterverse exploded with news that “a big named director was let go of a major film IP, and that a lot of online trolls would be very happy.” Everyone assumed the rumor referred to The Last Jedi helmer Rian Johnson, but he quickly weighed in, reassuring his fans that the rumor is wrong and he is still working on the trilogy. NOT ACCORDING TO OUR SOURCE, who claims Rian is simply saving face. Our spy went on to detail 10 signs that Johnson has already been fired by Disney CEO Bob Iger. Check them out below and let us know if you think Johnson is in or out of his Star Wars trilogy.

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